You Are Invited to Celebrate with Religious Jubilarians

On Sunday, October 29, 2017, the Diocese of St. Petersburg will celebrate the religious Jubilees of fourteen men and women who have reached milestones in their commitment to the Church and to their Congregations.
Representing a total of 910 years of consecrated service to the Church and the people of God, the religious will renew their vows during the 11:30 a.m. Mass at St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral with Bishop Gregory Parkes presiding.
You are invited to witness this public celebration of the vowed life and to join the reception honoring the Jubilarians which will be held in the parish hall immediately following the liturgy.
What: Celebration of Religious Jubilarians
When: Sunday, October 29, 2017, 11:30 a.m.
Where: St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral, 5815 5th Ave. North, St. Petersburg
A Heartfelt Thank You and Congratulations to the Jubilarians Listed Below!
85 Years | Sister Helen Lange, OSB |
75 Years | Sister Ruth Barthle, OSF |
70 Years | Sister Merita Strahler, SND |
65 Years | Sister Gladys Sharkey, OSF Sister Anne Martin Robonie, OSF |
60 Years | Sister Mary Joan Burke, OSF Sister Suzanne Hixson, SNJM Sister Mary Clare Neuhofer, OSB Sister Margaret Rumsey, OSF Sister Mary Patricia Plumb, SNJM Brother Valerian Vaverchak, OFM |
50 Years | Rev. Eric Carpine, OFM |
40 Years | Sister Irmilda Lyari, CDNK |
25 Years | Sister Mariellen Blaser, SNJM |