
Our mutually shared vision is: Courageously Living the Gospel.

Our sacred purpose (mission) is the following:

We, the Catholic Diocese of St Petersburg, are a joyful community of disciples proclaiming the Good News and inviting all people to encounter the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

The Diocese of St. Petersburg includes all people in the counties of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus.  While many people identify as Catholic, it is also our “mission territory.”

To help us courageously live the Gospel, Bishop Gregory Parkes announced a new Pastoral Plan on October 27, 2024. The Plan challenges us to value God above all else. The three priorities in the Plan are:

  • Place God first in our lives and in our decisions.
  • As a community of believers, our policies, practices, and activities will reflect God’s will for His people and His Church, and will serve as pathways to lead people into a deeper relationship with Him.
  • Value God’s gift of life from conception to natural death by honoring this gift and advocating for those who have no voice or whose voice has been silenced.


The Diocese of St. Petersburg is comprised of nearly 500,000 Catholics, more than 280,000 of whom are registered and includes 75 parishes, 5 missions, more than 13,000 students registered at 46 schools and early childhood centers, two universities, and a variety of social service, health care, housing and pastoral ministries located within the five counties of Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus. Mass is celebrated in 14 languages, and we are led by our fifth bishop, Most Reverend Gregory Parkes who was installed on January 4, 2017.

Patron Saint

St. Jude is the patron saint of desperate cases, lost causes, and of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. He is the patron of impossible causes because of his Apostolic ministry in the early Church. By visiting and encouraging early Christian communities who endured tremendous hardship, he accomplished the improbable. While early communities despaired and perhaps others were frustrated by the division in the early Church. St. Jude brought encouragement.  As one who carries and brings the image of Christ to those in need and was filled with the fire of the Spirit at Pentecost, St. Jude intercedes powerfully for our local Church. Too often we forget this powerful intercessor in our daily life and the relationship that we, as a Diocese, have to him. Who better to turn to as we confront difficulties than the one whose name means “Giver of Joy.” Today I invite you to call upon St. Jude for his intercession.  The feast day of St. Jude the Apostle is October 28. To learn more, click here.