Welcome Back to Mass
Posted inCommunications
The general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days for Catholics in the Diocese of St. Petersburg will expire on the Vigil of Pentecost, Saturday, May 22, 2021.
To invite and welcome all people who have been away from Mass, the Diocese of St. Petersburg has produced videos and podcasts about the Mass. Below is a list of various versions. The YouTube links are for sharing and viewing. The Vimeo links are for downloading.
Videos for playback and sharing
- English
- English Extended Version
- English with Bishop Parkes
- Spanish
- Spanish Extended Version
- Vietnamese
- Portuguese
Videos for Download
- English
- English with Bishop Parkes
- English Extended
- Spanish
- Spanish Extended
- Vietnamese
- Portuguese
- Template for Editing
Mass Minutes
For more information, visit: WelcomeOneAnother.org