Ministry of Mercy Online Retreat Series

Posted inLife Justice & Advocacy

Pope Francis’ Vision: Brothers and Sisters All

What does Fratelli Tutti, the Encyclical of Pope Francis on fraternity and social friendship, have to say that is relevant for believers today? Our three-part series explored the major themes of the document and gave participants a chance to embrace Pope Francis’ vision for a new and better future. Watch the recordings below.

Session 1: Overcoming Indifference. Presenter: Jill Rauh, M.A., Director, Education & Outreach, USCCB Dept. of Justice, Peace and Human Development

Session 2: A New Vision (The Dream). Presenter: Deacon Scott Paine, Ph.D., Director of Leadership Development and Education at the Florida League of Cities

Session 3: The Way Forward (Putting the Vision in Action). Presenters: Husband and wife team: Stephen Okey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Saint Leo University and Paige Cargioli, M.A., Holistic Therapist

For Fratelli Tutti study guides and resources, please click here.

The Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy invites you to view our online retreats with Dr. Mary Carter Waren, a  pastoral theologian and dedicated teacher who has taught at the university level for the past 25 years. Mary’s research and teaching interests are in practical theology, especially in the “translation” of theological concepts that seem obscure into “ordinary” language so that theological thought and reflection not be elitist, but for all. This is lived out in her work on the Catholic identity of Catholic institutions, working over the past fifteen years leading a legacy formation program for Catholic healthcare. As director of the RCIA in a local parish, she is also keenly aware of the issues of both pastoral care and adult religious education which inform and ground her teaching and retreat work. She is a sought-after retreat leader, speaker, and teacher for her practical wisdom and engaging presentation. See below to view Mary’s two part series.

Rediscovering Fortitude: Courage For Uncertain Times

Life is beautiful, and life is hard. Both are true, and we have seen both in these past few months. Pope Francis calls us to explore the “creativity of love” during uncertain times. The virtue of fortitude, a gift of the Holy Spirit, helps us to make small courageous steps toward love, even in the most difficult situations. Reflect with us on how fortitude can help us personally and communally to courageously move in the direction of love. 

Being the Body of Christ in 2020: Solidarity Requires Fortitude

We have seen the phrase, “We are all in this together” during this time of the pandemic, but it is also true that “We are not all in the same boat.” How do we build solidarity with each other, across divisions that seem deeper every day? How can we listen to, hear, and advocate for others in the Body of Christ? What might I need to change about myself in order to make that possible, and how will fortitude get me there?

This retreat reflects on the virtue of fortitude and its relationship to building community with all God’s people. How is fortitude a key to living out the core values of the Christian life in 2020?

Slides from workshop