If you have trouble downloading the report or questions concerning the information provided, please contact the Office of Stewardship and Development at stewardship@dosp.org.
A Look at the Numbers
Our diocesan ministries, education and outreach programs offer support, professional guidance, and direct delivery of services to and for our people, parishes, schools and communities. They do this while maintaining a very tight annual budget which relies on specific revenue sources, including interest earnings, donations and grants, bequests, parish assessment payments and direct donations to the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA).
Of our 2019-2020 fiscal year total non-program revenue of $11,366,923 more than $10 million came from donations to the APA.
Our 2020 Annual Report includes a comprehensive overview of the operational expenses and revenues associated with our traditional diocesan ministry and service areas, impact reporting from several of our ministries and information about the Mater Dei Giving Society.
It is important to note that gifts to special campaigns, such as Forward in Faith, are not included in total operating revenue because these are immediately directed to the outlined projects of the campaign. A full update on each of the Forward in Faith projects was detailed in the 2019 Annual Report as plans were made for the campaign’s conclusion. However, contributions were received in 2020, and therefore, an update has been included in the 2020 Annual Report as well.
- Please click here to download a PDF of the full version of the 2020 Annual Report.
- To download the 2019-2020 condensed financial statement for the ministries, programs and services of our diocese, click here.
- If you would like to view our audited financial statements for 2019-2020, please click here.
- Click here to download the final summary of collections for the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign
- To learn more about the Mater Dei Giving Society, click here.
- Click here to download the 2020 Catholic Foundation Impact Report
Ministry Impact
The purpose of and goal in reporting to our people each year is to provide transparent financial reporting. However, we also believe it is imperative to provide a closer look at the ministries and services annual donations support. Our ministries serve more than 3 million people across our five-county diocese, not just Catholics.
The 2020 Annual Report cannot completely list all points of impact as some efforts have effects we cannot track. For example, how do you track moments of personal encounter with Jesus Christ fostered by a diocesan Holy Hour of Abundance? However, we are dedicated to shedding light on various ministries, outreach efforts and programs supported through direct donor gifts throughout the year. Below we have provided highlights and information for Vocations, Communications, Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and Catholic Charities.

In response to shutdowns and closures, our Vocations Office became a leader in using digital communications to ensure they provided every possible opportunity for those discerning a call to the priesthood to encounter the Lord and grow in their fidelity to Him. This past year, 3 men were Ordained, 7 men joined the Seminary and an array of virtual discernment programs were developed expanding our message across the globe.
To learn more about Vocations in our diocese, please view the video provided below or click here.

Last year gave our diocesan leaders added insight into the importance of developing and maintaining strong virtual and digital platforms for effectively getting information to and receiving information from the people we serve. The Communications Office was at the forefront, offering a strong social media presence, updates about safety and dispensation, as well as training and consultation for creating and enhancing digital communication methods.
To learn more about our efforts in Communications, please view the video provided below or click here.

Faith Formation
The Office of Faith Formation has formed a collaborative, ongoing monthly group by region for Directors of Religious Education (DREs) through Zoom. These regional groups (Hillsborough County parishes, the Pinellas County parishes and the Northern county parishes) offer all DREs in all 79 parishes the opportunity to connect, find encouragement, share great tips and work together to develop best practices to strengthen religious education and formation across our diocese. In addition, they have been able to provide personal and group training sessions for the 5 new DREs that started in an incredibly challenging year.
To learn more about our service and programming organized through our Office of Faith Formation, please view the video provided below or click here.

Catholic Charities
In their 75th year, Catholic Charities successfully maintained their mission to serve and expanded their outreach. Highlights include:
- Opening a temporary shelter called Hillsborough Hope in collaboration with the City of Tampa, serving 210 clients almost 10,000 meals in 2 months
- Serving 82,000 meals to the almost 1,500 clients at Pinellas Hope
- Moving the Courageously Living the Gospel affordable housing initiatives forward
To learn more about Catholic Charities, please view the video provided below or click here.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
In June, the Good Samaritan Project, our award-winning service-based retreat for high school age children, was completely restructured to provide a safe and healthy environment for participants and organizers. Within one month, the traditional in-person week-long overnight program held at Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School in Spring Hill transitioned to a 7 day-hybrid event featuring localized and virtual service projects, spiritual formation and community building.
To learn more about the Good Samaritan Project and Youth and Young Adult Ministry, please view the video provided below or click here.

Mater Dei Giving Society
In appreciation for those have supported our mission, Courageously Living the Gospel, Bishop Parkes launched the Mater Dei Giving Society on November 9, 2020 at a special live stream event. Named in honor of our Blessed Mother, the Mater Dei Giving Society recognizes those helping our diocese put our faith into action so the world can see who we are by the good works we do in Christ’s name in three areas.
Click here to learn more about the Mater Dei Giving Society.

Forward in Faith Capital Campaign Conclusion
The plan to end redemption for Forward in Faith Capital Campaign called for a closing date of December 31, 2019. However, many dedicated donors requested an extension so they could complete their commitments. These donors donated almost $315,000 in 2020, and will complete their final payments by the end of February 2021. Because of this, we prepared an additional reporting for the Forward in Faith Campaign and have included it in the 2020 Annual Report.
As of December 31, 2020, 17,020 donors have given more than $28 million. Through Parish Share, a major component of the campaign, all participating parishes received 20 cents of every dollar paid.
After the conclusion of the campaign on February 28, 2021, we will prepare a final Parish Share distribution. Currently, 72 parishes will receive $204,000 for payments to the campaign in 2020.
Click here for a final summary report for the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign.

Please click here to contact the Office of Stewardship & Development for more information.