Welcome to Making Space for Grace, a series of blog posts and radio segments that offer lessons and reflections for navigating our media environment so that it doesn’t harm our faith and family life. We want to help families become vibrant and healthy by breaking free of technology’s constant pull and digital distraction. I know it’s not easy! Let’s pray for each other, that we can create a home where families thrive and create a church where faith thrives! Click here to read an article about Making Space for Grace.
I hope you find these posts helpful, including the audio below from a presentation, Holy Habits for the Digital Age, on February 11, 2023 to the Council of Catholic Women at Holy Family Parish in St. Petersburg. Be sure to reach out to me (communicate@dosp.org) and let me know what you think. Also, let me know what ideas you have to make space for grace.
Additional Resource from the Vatican: “Towards Full Presence: A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media” (A summary of this resource can be found here.)