Sister Mary Jane Herlik, OP

Sister Mary Jane Herlik, OP, a Sinsinawa Dominican Sister, went home to God on Wednesday, April 4, 2022. A resident in this diocese since 1996, all funeral services will take place at the Motherhouse, in Wisconsin.
Professed in 1950, she taught in several Catholic schools within the USA. She also served as pastoral minister at St. Jude Parish, Chattanooga, TN, and St. Joseph Parish, Marietta, GA. During these two ministry opportunities, she began working with people affected by HIV/AIDS and their loved ones, offering spiritual care and support. Noticing in the early 1980s that medical personnel and clergy were afraid to enter hospital rooms of those dying of AIDS, she said, “I felt I was being called to minister to those dying with AIDS” (Tampa Bay Times). She was a founding member of the Atlanta Archdiocesan AIDS Task Force and served as coordinator at Sacred Heart Southern Missions, Walls, MS, and in St. Petersburg, FL, with Catholic Charities and as a volunteer in the area. Sr. Mary Jane advised people to “squeeze some joy out of every day, live with a grateful heart, and always trust in a loving God” (“The Link”).
Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed
test in peace!