Share the Journey Campaign Begins

A global campaign to be in solidarity with immigrants and refugees is now underway and support for this campaign comes from all the way at the top. Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the weekly General Audience on Sept. 27, Pope Francis urged governments and all men and women of goodwill to welcome migrants with open arms and share in their plight as Jesus did.
“Brothers, don’t be afraid of sharing the journey. Don’t be afraid of sharing hope” Pope Francis said.
Share the Journey is sponsored internationally by Caritas Internationalis and in the U.S. by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)/Migration and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).
There are many resources available to help parishes, schools and individuals to learn more about the plight of refugees and immigrants, to offer prayers for their difficult journeys and to act to improve their living conditions.
The USCCB is also inviting parishes and schools to take part in a Week of Prayer and Action, Oct. 7-13.
Here are some ideas for you to get involved and to stand up for the lives that are at risk.
- Pray and ask others to commit to praying the Campaign Prayer.
- Join the Holy Father, bishops across the U.S. and around the world, and countless others in using social media to express your support for migrants and refugees.
- Incorporate prayer for those who have fled their homes at the beginning of all meetings, classes, school events, etc.
- Use lesson plans, videos, stories, simulations, prayer pilgrimages, and other resources to explain why people leave their home countries, to highlight common myths about the issue, and to raise awareness about what the Church teaches.
Please visit our Diocesan resource page frequently to check for additional resources:
For more information, call Sabrina Burton Schultz, Diocese of St. Petersburg, Director of Life Ministry, 727-344-1611, ext. 5325,