Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
730 San Salvador Drive, Dunedin, FL 34698 | |
http://www.myoll.com | |
727-733-3776 | |
727-733-4333 | |
Pinellas | |
Rev. John G. Tapp |
Grade Level
Elementary School
Early Childhood
Early Childhood
School Administration
About the School
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is a faith-filled community that provides a Christ-centered learning environment dedicated to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, social and emotional qualities of each child. The administration, faculty and staff work in partnership with parents to build a solid foundation that develops each student to his or her fullest potential. Catholic values and teachings are fully integrated throughout the EC/3, EC/4 and the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Eight curriculum. Religion classes are taught daily and our classes attend weekly liturgy. Our fully accredited program includes a full range of traditional academic instruction complemented by art, music, technology, foreign language, physical education, and competitive athletic programs.