Restorative Justice Workshop – February 8, 2020

All are invited to attend a workshop to learn about Restorative Justice on February 8, 2020, at St. Jerome Catholic Church (10895 Hamlin Blvd. Largo, FL 33774).
Catholic social teaching leads us to encourage models of restorative justice that seek to address crime in terms of the harm done to victims and communities, not simply as a violation of law. Restorative justice is concerned about who was impacted, what their needs are, and how to move forward with healing and right-relationship.
At this Restorative Justice Workshop, you will hear the story of a family directly impacted by crime and examples of restorative practices in criminal justice, schools, and ministry. We hope that this workshop may lay the groundwork for future trainings in our diocese and help us to become better advocates for the incorporation of restorative practices in our homes, schools, prisons and beyond.
· Deacon Andy Grosmaire, Chief of Licensing, Office of Financial Regulation for State of Florida
· Kate Grosmaire, Author of Forgiving My Daughter’s Killer
· Caitlin Morneau, Director of Restorative Justice at Catholic Mobilizing Network
· Deb Close, Licensed Trainer for International Institute for Restorative Practices
· Dr. Sandra Pavelka, Nationally Recognized Restorative Justice Practioner
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