Red Tent Altar Linen

This lovingly made altar linen will be used at our newest Prison Ministry Catholic service at the South St. Pete. Westcare Substance Abuse Treatment Center. Chris R. and Team (pictured below at left) conduct a communion service for men and women court ordered into substance abuse treatment after incarceration at the Pinellas County Jail. This beautiful altar linen was handmade by Theresa Carvell, (pictured at right) a seamstress affiliated with the Red Tent Women’s Initiative for Women, originally begun in the Pinellas County Jail and now a thriving program where female ex-offenders meet to share prayer and hope, while learning marketable skills. The Red Tent Women’s Program just opened their arts and crafts store at 1601 16th Street South in St. Petersburg. The caption on the cloth reads: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me…” For more information on these programs and on prison ministry, please contact us.