In the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit … We pray for…

An end to injustice and violence in all forms in society, especially to those who have lost hope. 

A respect for human dignity for all marginalized by social or economic situations. Lord soften the hearts of those who are biased or prejudiced in their thinking. Give us a spirit of compassion and love for all people.

Those who feel the need to create division and civil unrest, the ability to have their voices heard without causing damage to others and property. 

Those who lawfully march and protest peacefully, the ability to communicate truth without division and justice without violence.

An end to racism and prejudice in all forms.  We pray for an end to discrimination and allow the gifts and talents of all to shine so that all might have equal treatment and opportunities.

We pray for all law enforcement to uphold the law with dignity, professionalism and reason.  Give them the courage to serve and protect everyone in the community without prejudice or anger in their hearts towards those of a different race.


– Prayer by Spirit FM 90.5