St. Joseph

3012 W. Cherry St., Tampa, FL 33607 | | | |
(813) 877-5729 | |
(813) 877-5720 | |
Hillsborough | |
South Central | |
1896 | |

Rev. Nelson Restrepo

Deacon Jorge Suarez
Mass Times
Weekend Masses:
7:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm | Spanish |
9:00am 12:00pm | Spanish |
7:30am | |
7:30am | |
7:30am | |
7:30am | |
7:30am 7:00pm | Spanish (misa y adoracion) |
Confession Times
4:00pm – 4:45pm (English & Spanish) | |
6:00pm – 6:45pm (English & Spanish) |
Adoration Times
1:00pm – 6:45pm |
Holy Days
7:00pm (bilingual) | |
7:30am |
Please note: Schedules are subject to change. Please visit the parish website or call the parish office to verify time and day. Vigil refers to Saturday.