The Office of Communications has created this page for parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg to find free and shareable content that helps to evangelize, inspire, and unite our community. Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg have our approval to share any of the materials listed below on their website, social media, bulletin, and other parish communication channels. If you have questions about any materials found on this page, please email (Please note: Local photos of your parish and parishioners typically obtain the most engagement on a parish social media account and other parish communication channels. However, this content can also support your efforts.)

Click here to view February content.

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January 1- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Happy Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God! It is not a holy day of obligation this year because it falls on a Monday. But, all who are able to attend Mass are encouraged to do so. Mary’s intercession is powerful. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us! 🙏🏼


January 3- Most Holy Name of Jesus

Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Today let us remember the power of the name of Jesus and ask Him to strengthen our faith and devotion.


January 5- Epiphany of the Lord

Today we celebrate the #Epiphany of the Lord! “Like the Magi, may we also journey and be attentive, untiring and courageous on the path to find the invisible God who was born among us.” – Pope Francis


January 12- Baptism of the Lord

Happy feast of the Baptism of the Lord! Take time to reflect on your own baptism and how you are living out your baptismal call in your life today.


January 10- St. Gregory of Nyssa

St. Gregory of Nyssa was a priest in the fourth century who rejected and fought against heresy. Like St. Gregory, may we stand up for the faith and remain steadfast in the truth of the Church. St. Gregory of Nyssa, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

January 20- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. let us remember to show love to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to pray for peace in our world.


January 20- St. Sebastian

St. Sebastian was a Roman guard who was devoted to the faith. He visited prisoners and converted many of the soldiers entrusted to his command. Once others learned of his devotion to the faith, he was killed and is now honored as a martyr. Like St. Sebastian, let us be unwavering in our faith and strive to bring Christ to others. St. Sebastian, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

January 22- Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Today is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Join us in offering this Prayer for Life, for all the babies whose lives were tragically ended by abortion, for those who suffer the aftermath, and for all unborn children whose lives are at risk. 🙏🏼

#CourageouslyLiving #ProLife

January 25- Conversion of St. Paul

St. Paul, originally Saul, spent much of his life persecuting Christians before his conversion. An encounter with Christ transformed him into a loyal Apostle. Like St. Paul, may we too be transformed by the love of Christ and always strive to follow Him more closely. St. Paul, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

January 31- St. John Bosco

Today we celebrate the feast of St. John Bosco, a teacher and priest. He spent much of his time teaching the youth in his area, especially the poor and orphans, providing them both intellectual and spiritual formation. He founded the Salesian order that consists of both priests and sisters. Like St. John Bosco, may we be leaders in the faith and help to bring others closer to Christ. St. John Bosco, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

Other Content

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Click here to find materials that have been designed to assist parishes in promoting, educating and spreading the word about the 2024 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Throughout the year, more resources will be added, updated and shared with parishes.

National Eucharistic Revival

Click here to find photos, graphics and logos to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, an initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 

Pastoral Bulletin

Click here to find announcements, graphics and information from our diocesan ministries and our parishes, schools and diocesan entities.