Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Inverness Launches New Youth and Family Ministries as Part of Courageously Living the Gospel

The Youth and Family Ministries of Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Inverness aligned their missions for the launch of a dynamic family-centered program designed to connect Catholics of all ages through inter-generational events and family activities that build community and strengthen personal Catholic identity.
Missionary Disciples, Youth and Family Ministries hosted the first “Bring the Whole Family” event at the Community Swimming Complex in Inverness on September 22, 2019. Parishioners enjoyed balmy weather and an afternoon of aquatic fun, food, family and friends. Parishioners welcomed youth and parents from Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church as well and a variety of schools in the area for hot dogs, ice cream and to join in games and swimming. More than 85 people attended this outreach in fellowship that welcomed and invited community members to learn about the parish in a casual environment. Parish leaders emphasize, “As a parish community, we come together to Courageously Live Out the Gospel message with our families and with our youth as we serve as Missionary Disciples in our community.”
Also, on September 22, the Religious Education Ministry courageously kicked off a new Sunday Gospel study program from Pflaum Publishing that is family-focused, distinctly Catholic, reinforces the home as the center for instruction and fosters community fellowship that is open to all.
This new curriculum features the adult formation component, The Gospel for All Ages – Family Catechesis, a strategy for parish-wide and family learning designed to help adults, teens, and children talk about their lives in the light of the weekly Gospel and then bring the Gospel into their lives.