Blessed are You, O God! You are with us at all times, in all places. We give thanks and praise that You continue to reveal Yourself to us as we undertake the Strategic Plan for Catholic schools in our diocese.

Give our administrators, teachers and staff in Catholic schools the grace of insight in their endeavor to educate minds, bodies and spirits in Your life-giving ways. Give our diocese the courage to overcome obstacles and persevere in the pursuit of academic excellence, stewardship and service to God’s people.

For our pastors we ask the gift of wisdom to guide the staff, students and advisory board members. We thank You for the generosity of our catholic families and community donors who continue to sustain our schools’ programsthrough volunteerism, participation in fund-raising and contributions of goods, services and remembrances in their wills and behests.

With grateful hearts we recall all who have gone before us on a pilgrimage of faith and hope. We ask Your blessing on all who have sacrificed so much to ensure the viability of our Catholic Schools.

Awaken in the hearts of our youth openness to the way of life You have designed for them. May they grow to be priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, married or single persons who faithfully spread the Good News of Your kingdom.

May all in our school communities find in You the source of all truth.

This we pray in the name of Jesus our Savior and Brother. Amen.