Mrs. Many Blaney
Posted inObituaries, Pastoral Bulletin

The Diaconate Office informs the passing of Mrs. Mary Blaney, wife of the late Deacon Jim Blaney, St. Luke the Evangelist, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at age 95.
She was a long-time member of Our Holy Redeemer Parish, New York, where she worked in the school for many years, and of St. Luke’s, Palm Harbor, FL. Devoted member of Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Ct. Stella Maris #822.
Funeral services and burial took place June 21-22, 2024 in Freeport, NY.
Complete obituary at this link
Please keep the Blaney family in your thoughts and prayers.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
by the grace of God, rest in peace.
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