Diocesan Media Day is Set for Sunday, September 24th
The Catholic Church celebrates three holy angels of God on September 29th, the Feast of the Archangels. The word angel means “messenger,” and angels are known for delivering messages from God to his people. That’s why St. Gabriel the Archangel is the patron of Catholic communicators and broadcasters, including media ministries of the Diocese of St. Petersburg that help us stay connected to our faith. These ministries share messages about the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. That’s why Bishop Gregory Parkes is asking parishes to set aside Sunday, September 24th, 2023, as Diocesan Media Day.
The purpose of Diocesan Media Day is to raise awareness for the mission of diocesan media ministries and to invite parishioners to listen to Spirit FM 90.5 and subscribe to receive a free e-newsletter from www.GulfCoastCatholic.org.
What are our diocesan media ministries?

Spirit FM 90.5 offers Christian music that inspires the soul. They offer the best in contemporary Christian music, daily prayer, and lively conversation that inspires us to center our lives on Jesus Christ. Also, the Mass is broadcast at 11:00 a.m. each day for the homebound. Families and people of all ages love Spirit FM 90.5! Everyone is invited to listen on the radio or smart speaker, or download the Spirit FM app.

GulfCoastCatholic.org is a website that highlights Catholic life at its very best and teaches us how to grow as disciples. The articles feature people from our area who are living their faith in unique or extraordinary ways. Plus, the articles help families and individuals learn more about the Catholic faith and apply the faith to married life, parenting and work situations. You are invited to sign up for the free, weekly e-newsletter by visiting www.GulfCoastCatholic.org/subscribe.
How to Participate in Diocesan Media Day
- Speak about diocesan media to parishioners and ministry leaders.
- Show promotional graphics on screens or monitors.
- Share announcements in the bulletins, via e-news, and on social media. (Ideally, the weekend before and the weekend of Media Day)
- Include a petition in the Prayers of the Faithful.
- Share the Prayer for Evangelization through Media.
Promotional Announcements
Discover Your Source for Local Catholic Media
GulfCoastCatholic.org is a website that highlights Catholic life at its very best and teaches us how to grow as disciples. The articles feature people from our area who are living their faith in unique or extraordinary ways. Plus, the articles help families and individuals learn more about the Catholic faith and apply the faith to married life, parenting and work situations. You are invited to sign up for the free, weekly e-newsletter by visiting www.GulfCoastCatholic.org/subscribe.
Spirit FM 90.5 offers Christian music that inspires the soul. They offer the best in contemporary Christian music, daily prayer, and lively conversation that inspires us to center our lives on Jesus Christ. Also, the Mass is broadcast at 11:00 a.m. each day for the homebound. Families and people of all ages love Spirit FM 90.5! You are invited to listen on your radio or smart speaker, or download the Spirit FM app.
Petition Prayers of the Faithful
For the courage to be effective communicators in spreading the Good News, and for the success of our Diocesan media ministries, Gulf Coast Catholic and Spirit FM, that they will be successful instruments in spreading the faith, we pray to the Lord.
Prayer for Evangelization Through Media
St. Gabriel the Archangel delivered a life-changing message to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We pray for our media ministries of the Diocese of St. Petersburg,
that their message will also be life-changing.
Through the intercession of St. Gabriel, patron of communicators and broadcasters,
may the ministries of Gulf Coast Catholic and Spirit FM
be successful in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.
May we be generous in our support of media that strengthens, protects, and promotes our faith for generations to come.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

These post-it-notes can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas:
- You can attach them to the backs of pews and people can scan the code before or after Mass.
- You can attach them to the front of bulletins and people can scan the code when they receive the bulletin.
- You can ask ushers to hand out a post-it-note to parishioners as they leave or enter the church.
- You can ask ministry leaders to hand out to ministry members during the week when they gather.
- To request free post-it-notes, email communicate@dosp.org.

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