Congratulations on your decision to marry. It is our pleasure to assist you as you prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage.
Click Journey to Matrimony 2025 to obtain the current brochure.
What is Journey to Matrimony?
Journey to Matrimony is an extended one-day program intended for couples when the bride and groom are both marrying for the first time. For the most part, the program is offered the third Saturday of most months. (See schedule below). This comprehensive experience uses various presentation methods with the goal of enriching and enhancing the remainder of the couple’s engagement. It is our hope that Journey to Matrimony will provide a firm foundation on which couples can build their future as they prepare to enter the Sacrament of Marriage and spend a lifetime together.
What if one or both of us were previously married and/or doing a Convalidation?
Regardless of length or circumstances, if the bride and/or groom was previously married, we suggest participating in the Remarriage Program.
Couples doing a Convalidation are welcome to apply for Journey to Matrimony if you have been civilly married two years or less. Otherwise, we suggest attending the Convalidation Program.
Regardless of our recommendations, what program a couple attends is decided by the priest or deacon providing sacramental preparation. If either of the above scenarios apply and these alternate options were not mentioned or discussed, we encourage you to speak with the clergy you are working with to see if an alternate program might be more suitable.
What if we have a child or children?
While we absolutely love children, for various reasons we are not able to accommodate them during the Journey to Matrimony program. Therefore we ask that you make arrangements for their care. If this is not possible, please contact our office for further instructions.
How Far in Advance Should We Attend?
To allow ample time to complete the preparation process, it is our recommendation that this phase of the marriage preparation process be completed a minimum of 3 months prior to the wedding. Attending with less notice is possible providing this is acceptable with the priest or deacon assisting with your sacramental preparation.
What if we can’t attend together?
To adequately prepare, it’s best when all aspects of the process are done as a couple. Because Journey to Matrimony is a couple-based experience, we are unable to accommodate individuals. If extenuating circumstances exist that prevent you from attending together, please contact the priest or deacon assisting with your sacramental preparation. Since clergy determine the preparation requirements, they will be able to direct you on how to proceed.
How much does it cost?
As long as you apply before the deadline the cost is $175 per couple. After the deadline the cost increases to $225 per couple. Regardless of when couples apply, space is always subject to availability. The fee includes materials, meals and other program expenses.
Should we check availability before submitting our application?
The only time we suggest checking availability is if you are trying to sign up after the deadline has passed. Keep in mind that be it before or after the deadline, whether we can accommodate you depends on the space situation at the time your application and payment are received.
2025 Schedule & Application Deadlines
Journey to Matrimony is typically held the third Saturday of most months.
Please be sure your calendars are free of all other commitments as both the bride and groom must be present for the entire day in order to receive a certificate of completion.
January 18th (Deadline 1/3/25) Full
February 15th (Deadline 1/31/25) Full
March 15th (Deadline 2/28/25)
April 5th (Deadline 3/21/25)
May 17th (Deadline 5/2/25)
June 21st (Deadline 6/6/25)
July 19th (Deadline 7/3/25)
September 20th CANCELLED
October 18th (Deadline 10/3/25)
November 15th (Deadline 10/31/25
Apply online by clicking here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is only the application process and does not guarantee a spot. Whether we can confirm your preferred date will depend on availability at the time the application and payment are received.
How will we know if we are confirmed?
Once your paperwork is received and processed, written notification will be sent to each e-mail address provided. This will acknowledge receipt of you application, confirm the date for which you are registered, and give any additional information you need to be aware of. Every attempt is made to accommodate couples for their preferred date.
Where does the program take place?
Journey to Matrimony is typically held near downtown Tampa. The address and any facility details will be included in your confirmation letter.
What time does the program begin and end?
The program begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends no later than 8:30 p.m. We get it…it’s a long day…it is for us too. With everyone having busy schedules, we felt it was best to consolidate this into one day rather than two. Keep in mind that in order to receive a certificate of completion both the bride and groom must be present for the entire program. Please be sure both of your calendars are free from all other commitments.
Who do we contact if we have questions or need further assistance?
The Office of Marriage & Family Life is more than happy to assist you! Email is the best way to reach us. Please contact Deb Alexander at or 727 – 341 – 6847.