"*" indicates required fields

As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope, the Diocese of Saint Petersburg is spreading hope through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We are challenging our community to together complete 1,000,000 acts of mercy. Anyone can participate – as individuals, families, teams – no work of mercy is too small! Just fill out the form below to make it count towards the challenge. We want to highlight all the good works you are already doing by bringing a focus to it and invite others to join in spreading hope!

I have served God through performing works of mercy!

Please tell us your age (there is a youth vs. adults component for those who want to participate), total number of corporal or spiritual works of mercy completed, and the diocesan entity you would like to log your works for. It’s optional to enter your name and the date you completed your service. Enter your email and we’ll send you a confirmation for your records.

Example: If 2 people visited one person in the community who is homebound, each person has performed a work of mercy. Therefore, the number 2 should be chosen for # of Corporal Works.)

You must be 13 years old or older to fill out this form. If you are younger than 13, please have a parent or legal guardian fill out the form.
“*” = required
Date Completed
Name of Participant (or parent/legal guardian if under 13)
Age of Participant*
Parish/School/Diocesan Entity*
Work of Mercy*
# of Works of Mercy*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Total Works of Mercy Completed to Date

Diocese Grand Total: 24,671

Youth Total: 2,962 | Adult Total: 21,709

To search the list below, use Ctrl+F to bring up a search box in your browser or menu bar (top right or bottom left), start typing the specific entity name in the dynamic search bar.

Works of Mercy Completed to Date By Organization

All Saints Parish: 13

Youth: 0 | Adult: 13

Bethany Center: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Bishop Larkin Catholic School: 216

Youth: 212 | Adult: 4

Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School: 883

Youth: 883 | Adult: 0

Blessed Sacrament Parish (Seminole): 2

Youth: 0 | Adult: 2

Blessed Sacrament Parish (Tampa): 6

Youth: 0 | Adult: 6

Blessed Trinity Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Cathedral of St. Jude The Apostle: 358

Youth: 0 | Adult: 358

Cathedral School of St. Jude: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Catholic Cemeteries: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Catholic Charities: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Petersburg: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Catholic School System-DOSP: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Catholic Student Center @ USF: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Christ the King Catholic School: 1

Youth: 1 | Adult: 0

Christ the King Parish: 13

Youth: 0 | Adult: 13

Clearwater Central Catholic High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Corpus Christi Catholic School: 163

Youth: 130 | Adult: 33

Corpus Christi Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Cristo Rey Tampa High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Daystar Life Center (St. Petersburg): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Daystar Life Center Of Citrus County: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Epiphany of Our Lord Parish: 11

Youth: 0 | Adult: 11

Espiritu Santo Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Espiritu Santo Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Guardian Angels Interparochial Catholic School: 190

Youth: 0 | Adult: 190

Holy Cross Parish: 5

Youth: 1 | Adult: 4

Holy Family Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Holy Family Parish: 3

Youth: 0 | Adult: 3

Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Holy Names Academy Elementary School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Holy Names Academy High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Incarnation Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Incarnation Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Jesuit High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Light of Christ Parish: 4

Youth: 0 | Adult: 4

Mary Help of Christians Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Morning Star Catholic School (Pinellas Park): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Morning Star Catholic School (Tampa): 5

Youth: 0 | Adult: 5

Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish: 1

Youth: 0 | Adult: 1

Most Holy Redeemer Parish: 6

Youth: 0 | Adult: 6

Mother Teresa Catholic School: 2

Youth: 2 | Adult: 0

Nativity Catholic School: 21

Youth: 0 | Adult: 21

Nativity Parish: 2,974

Youth: 15 | Adult: 2,959

Notre Dame Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Fatima Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Good Counsel Camp: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Grace Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish: 4

Youth: 0 | Adult: 4

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish: 614

Youth: 283 | Adult: 331

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish: 18

Youth: 0 | Adult: 18

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Pastoral Center – DOSP: 116

Youth: 1 | Adult: 115

Prince of Peace Parish: 6

Youth: 0 | Adult: 6

Resurrection Parish: 1

Youth: 0 | Adult: 1

Sacred Heart Academy: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Sacred Heart Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Sacred Heart Parish (Dade City): 24

Youth: 0 | Adult: 24

Sacred Heart Parish (Pinellas Park): 33

Youth: 2 | Adult: 31

Sacred Heart Parish (Tampa): 1

Youth: 0 | Adult: 1

San Juan Diego Mission: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

SpiritFm: 26

Youth: 0 | Adult: 26

St. Anne Parish (Ridge Manor): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Anne Parish (Ruskin): 5,724

Youth: 7 | Adult: 5,717

St. Anthony Catholic School: 5

Youth: 3 | Adult: 2

St. Anthony of Padua Parish: 120

Youth: 120 | Adult: 0

St. Anthony the Abbot Parish: 3

Youth: 0 | Adult: 3

St. Benedict Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Brendan Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Catherine of Siena Parish: 7

Youth: 2 | Adult: 5

St. Cecelia Interparochial Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Cecelia Parish: 188

Youth: 0 | Adult: 188

St. Clement Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish: 878

Youth: 7 | Adult: 871

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish: 3

Youth: 0 | Adult: 3

St. Francis of Assisi Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish: 128

Youth: 4 | Adult: 124

St. James the Apostle Parish: 19

Youth: 0 | Adult: 19

St. Jerome Parish: 2

Youth: 0 | Adult: 2

St. Joan of Arc Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. John Paul II Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. John Vianney Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. John Vianney Parish: 1

Youth: 0 | Adult: 1

St. Joseph Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Joseph Parish (St. Petersburg): 6

Youth: 5 | Adult: 1

St. Joseph Parish (Tampa): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Joseph Parish (Zephyrhills): 20

Youth: 0 | Adult: 20

St. Joseph Vietnamese Parish: 63

Youth: 52 | Adult: 11

St. Justin, Martyr Parish: 2

Youth: 0 | Adult: 2

St. Lawrence Parish: 2

Youth: 0 | Adult: 2

St. Lawrence School: 360

Youth: 360 | Adult: 0

St. Luke the Evangelist Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Mark the Evangelist Parish: 16

Youth: 0 | Adult: 16

St. Mary Parish: 3

Youth: 0 | Adult: 3

St. Mary, Our Lady of Grace Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Matthew Parish: 469

Youth: 401 | Adult: 68

St. Michael The Archangel Parish (Clearwater): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Michael The Archangel Parish (Hudson): 7

Youth: 0 | Adult: 7

St. Patrick Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Patrick Parish (Largo): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Patrick Parish (Tampa): 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Paul Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Paul Parish (Tampa): 12

Youth: 12 | Adult: 0

St. Paul Parish (St. Petersburg): 13

Youth: 0 | Adult: 13

St. Peter Claver Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Peter Claver Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Peter the Apostle Parish: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Petersburg Catholic High School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Raphael Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Raphael Parish: 2

Youth: 1 | Adult: 1

St. Rita Parish: 103

Youth: 0 | Adult: 103

St. Scholastica Parish: 100

Youth: 0 | Adult: 100

St. Stephen Parish: 56

Youth: 51 | Adult: 5

St. Stephen School: 157

Youth: 119 | Adult: 38

St. Theresa Parish: 8

Youth: 0 | Adult: 8

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School: 6

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish: 9,716

Youth: 85 | Adult: 9,631

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish: 6

Youth: 0 | Adult: 6

St. Timothy Parish: 5

Youth: 2 | Adult: 3

St. Vincent de Paul Parish: 529

Youth: 0 | Adult: 529

Tampa Catholic High School: 209

Youth: 201 | Adult: 8

University of Tampa Catholic Ministries: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0

Villa Madonna Catholic School: 0

Youth: 0 | Adult: 0