Announcements ~ January 25, 2021

Zoom Chat with Seminarians
Men, ages 15-35 are invited to attend our next discernment opportunity, Zoom Chat with Seminarians, on Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7 pm. Fr. Chuck will be the host and each month includes vocation stories from different seminarians.
Please see the flyer at this link: for more information and future dates. RSVP to Fr. Chuck at in order to receive the link to attend.
Office of Communications
Beware of Scams
The Office of Communications of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, is helping our community to avoid becoming a victim of a scam. Your best response is to be aware and to be vigilant. Do not reply to an unfamiliar text message, email or social media message until you stop, think and verify if it’s legitimate. To learn more, visit:
Editors: Please find a graphic and logo for your use.
Year of St. Joseph
Pope Francis is asking all of us to observe 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph. He invites all Catholics to imitate the example of St. Joseph, an ordinary man who fulfilled his purpose through obedience, love and trust in God. To learn more, visit
Editors: Here is a bulletin ad/insert for your use:
Diocesan Mass in Celebration of Consecrated Life via Livestream
Bishop Gregory Parkes will celebrate a Mass for all consecrated persons (sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins and hermits) on Tuesday, February 2 at 4:00 p.m.
All are invited to pray with us via livestream:, and
The Church celebrates World Day of Consecrated Life on February 2nd to recognize the gift of consecrated persons, with parishes celebrating the weekend of February 6-7.
Bulletin Editors: Parish Resources: Prayers of the Faithful | Livestream Social Media Graphics: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy
Catholic Days at the Capitol
This year the Catholic Days at the Capitol event from February 2-3, 2021 will be a virtual event. Previous attendees as well as those who have not been able to join Catholics in Tallahassee for this annual event are urged to take this opportunity to participate as a way of bringing their values and voices to the political process. Online activities include virtual group meetings with legislators set up by the Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy.
Schedule of Events at this link:
Register Online at this link: (Deadline: January 22)
Parishes and Organizations
Suncoast Catholic Ministries’ 11th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference
Theme: A.S.A.P. – Always Stop And Pray
After much prayerful consideration, we are moving forward with our traditional schedule of holding the conference the Saturday before Ash Wednesday, which is February 13, 2021. The conference will take place at Higgins Hall, St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 5225 N. Himes Ave., Tampa.
Tickets are $50 per person with a special 2 for 1 Father/Son ticket. Free admission for clergy and other religious. Ticket prices include a box lunch and breakfast snack. For more information and to register, please visit our website:
Holy Names Sisters: Women on a Mission (Virtual Meet & Greet)
February 6, 2021 at 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Free)
We’re excited to share our mission and ministry as Holy Names Sisters and invite you to join us on February 6th for prayer, storytelling, community and ministry. We invite you to meet and interact with the Sisters as we learn about each other and explore the realities, purpose and meaning of contemporary religious life in 2021.
Link to event information page and registration on the Province website:
Link to our Province Facebook page:
Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family
Going through divorce? Already divorced?
This powerful 12-week program is designed to guide you to encounter Christ – with all of his love, mercy and healing power in a deeply personal way.
Surviving Divorce was created to move past the pain of one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Surviving Divorce leaders have been through divorce themselves and are examples of the healing and restoration that can occur after the breakup of a marriage.
Surviving Divorce healing ministry is open to ALL, regardless of faith or length of your separation or divorce.
A new program begins February 4, 2021 at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lutz. We will meet on Thursdays from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Fee of $30 includes materials. You can register online at For more information, please contact Gina Gawienczuk at