Gulf Coast Catholic is a source of good news and stories presented through an online medium as well as a print magazine. Both mediums provide content that enhance the spiritual lives of readers. Read more about the ways in which Gulf Coast Catholic reaches people both in and out of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg below:

Gulf Coast Catholic Online was launched by Bishop Gregory Parkes in 2021 to share stories about the Catholic faith from around our community and around the world. You’ll find tips for growing in faith, enhancing spirituality, and deepening prayer. It provides timely and relevant articles for staying up to date with Catholic life and stories.
Articles fall into distinct categories:
- Courageously Living: those who are Courageously Living the Gospel and doing great things in service for the Lord
- Be Courageous Daily Reflections: the daily Scripture reflections that are sent by email or text
- Culture: intersection between culture and faith
- Marriage: intersection between marriage and faith
- Media Technology: use of technology in today’s culture, Catholic media, ways in which media is used to spread the Gospel
- Parenting: content leading children and parents closer to Christ
- Relationships: navigating relationships through a Catholic lens
- Vocations: vocations to priesthood, religious, and consecrated life
- Catholic 101: content that teaches about prayer or the Church
- Grow as a Disciple of Jesus: practical steps to deepen the reader’s faith and prayer life
- From the Bishop: releases from Bishop Parkes or Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Good to Know with Father Joe: Father Joe Waters answers questions to help readers better understand Church teaching
- Local News: local newsworthy events
- National: news that impacts the Church in the greater United States
- Vatican/World: international news, news from the Vatican
- Issues: Church documents, information from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, news regarding issues in the Church
Managing editor: Meegan Wright
Content editor: Brittany DeHaan
Visit to sign up for our weekly e-newsletter, The Wednesday Wave.
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Gulf Coast Catholic Magazine
The Gulf Coast Catholic Magazine launched in September of 2023. The mission of the magazine is to lead people closer to Jesus and His Church so we can Courageously Live the Gospel. The magazine is an attractive resource with interesting articles that are designed to appeal to readers of various demographics. Gulf Coast Catholic serves Tampa Bay, the Suncoast, and the Nature Coast. The magazine is mailed four times a year into the homes of people who are registered at a local parish (approximately 100,000 households).
If you have not been receiving the magazine in the mail, please contact your parish and ensure you are in their system as “registered” and “active” so that you receive each issue.
Katie Camario is the managing editor of the Gulf Coast Catholic Magazine. If you have specific questions, she can be reached at
Brittany DeHaan is the editorial assistant for the Gulf Coast Catholic Magazine.
We hope you enjoy your free magazine, courtesy of Bishop Gregory Parkes, our parishes, schools, advertisers, supporters, and the Catholic Ministry Appeal.
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