Franciscan Center Black History Month Events
The Franciscan Center in Tampa is sponsoring two events in celebration of Black History Month. These will both be on-line events and require registration to participate.
Celebrating a Feast for our Souls Through Poetry as we observe 2024 Black History Month (Zoom)
Friday, February 16, 2024
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
With: Debra Fuller Ellis 2 CEU Points Available

As we celebrate Black History month, February 2024, this program will help us feast on, spend quality time with, slow down and consume by getting to know, some of the many African American poets who have been around for centuries or may be today’s rising stars.
Join us for a smorgasbord of rich poetry from men, women, and children of color spanning from generations and various eras of history such as slavery, the Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights and much more. A potential discussion question, should time allow, does Rap and/or Hip Hop count as poetry? Why or Why not?
Please feel free to bring and be prepared to share your favorite African American poets as we seek to better understand the poets’ contexts and their poems.’ Our primary goal is to find more meaning for our and the poets’ lives through contemplation and reflection on the beauty, mastery, wisdom, and challenges of the writings.
Fee: $20.00
Register at
The Saintly Six on the Road to Canonization via Zoom
Monday, February 26, 2024
6:30-8:30 p.m. EST
Presented by: Adrienne Curry, M. Div 2 CEU Points Available

The “saintly six” are six Black Catholics who are on the path to canonization. They are:
- Pierre Toussaint: In 1990, Pope John Paul II declared Toussaint Venerable, the first step towards becoming a saint.
- Mother Mary Lange: A servant of God.
- Henriette DeLille: A venerable saint who was born in New Orleans in 1812. In 1842, she founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family.
- Augustus Tolton: A venerable saint.
- Julie Greeley: A servant of God.
- Thea Bowman: A servant of God and the only candidate in the Saintly Six born in the 20th century. She is a religious sister, teacher, musician, liturgist, and scholar who has made significant contributions to the Catholic Church’s ministry toward African Americans.
This presentation will provide insight into their lives and how we can personally gain insight from them today.
Fee: $20.00
Register at