Fourth Grade Students Visit Sixth Judicial Circuit Court

Fourth grade students from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School and St. Cecelia Catholic School were able to visit Florida’s Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Clearwater last week and witness the judicial process firsthand at Gold E. Lock’s Mock Trial sponsored by the Clearwater Bar Association. Click here to see photos.
“In a mock trial that took place in the old historic courthouse in downtown Clearwater on Friday, May 5, 2017, Goldilocks — named in court documents as Gold. E. Locks — stood accused of eating the Bear family’s porridge while they were out, of sitting in Babe E. Bear’s chair (subsequently breaking it), and of sleeping in Babe E. Bear’s bed. With County Judge Myriam Irizarry presiding, dozen of elementary school students from Westlake Christian School and St. Cecilia Catholic School found Gold E. Locks (played by Circuit Judge Kim Campbell) guilty and she was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Students from Dunedin Elementary and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School sat in on a second Gold E. Locks mock trial. The event was organized by the Clearwater Bar Association.” – from the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida.