Focus 11 Video Contest Results

Many thanks to all of the Catholic schools and homeschool groups who participated in the Virtual Focus 11 on February 10! A great day was had by all.
One new aspect of Focus 11 was a video contest. Schools and homeschool groups were asked to create a 60 second video using the theme How Does Christ Mold Your Life? There were many great entries and we chose the top 5 videos, with the #1 video winner receiving an ice cream party sponsored by the Serra Club of St. Petersburg and hosted by Fr. Chuck.
The top 5 winners are:
#1 – Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle Catholic School
#2 – Bishop Larkin Catholic School
#3 – Christ the King Catholic School
#4 – Guardian Angels Catholic School
#5 – St. Stephen Catholic School
To view the other submitted videos, please click on the links below.
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Incarnation Catholic School
Nativity Catholic School – 6A
Nativity Catholic School – 6B
Notre Dame Catholic School
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Saint John Paul II Catholic School
St. Anthony Catholic School
St. Cecelia Interparochial Catholic School
St. Lawrence Catholic School – 6A
St. Lawrence Catholic School – 6B
St. Lawrence Catholic School – 6C
St. Peter Claver Catholic School
Congratulations to everyone, you all did an excellent job!