Announcements ~December 7, 2020

A View from the Top
On the December 2, 2020 edition of A View from the Top, Bishop Parkes shares why the faithful should go to Reconciliation this Advent, the roles of Cardinals in the Church, reports of aborted children used in COVID research, and why did God allow COVID. Please follow this link: to listen to the podcast.
Office of Communications
Send in Your Advent Photos
We invite you to share photos of how you and/or your parish prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. Photos will be shared in a special online photo album posted on the diocesan website and Facebook page. Please email your photos to or publicly post them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #DOSPAdvent. Photos will be added to the album as they are received throughout Advent.
Advent Prayer Project: Receive Encouragement and Hope
Prepare for the birth of Jesus by reflecting on your faith journey with short inspirational messages sent to your email each day! You are invited to sign up to receive a daily “Be Courageous” reflection on Courageously Living the Gospel presented by writers from around the Diocese of St. Petersburg, including Bishop Gregory Parkes. Sign up to be courageous, visit
Edit: We have two promotional graphics available for your use (full page and half page).
Podcasting Priests
In addition to preaching the Good News in our parishes, schools and communities, some of our diocesan priests have taken to podcasting and YouTubing to evangelize. Through the gift of technology, they are able to record, edit and present their message to people of all ages who listen via apps, websites and streaming services. Check out their offerings at:
Editors: Download a promotional graphic for your use here.