Workshop Descriptions
Gender Ideology and Youth: A Catholic Response, Presented by Ken Kniepmann and Michael Barrett, Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
In recent years, Gender Ideology has pervaded education, athletics, popular culture, politics, and even the workplace. How do we respond to this movement in a way that recognizes the God-given physical reality of being created male or female while also respecting the human dignity of those who struggle with gender dysphoria? This workshop will address how Catholics can provide a solid anthropological and scientific response, especially in cases or environments where youth are influenced or affected by these issues.
Called to Something Greater: Renewing our Political Commitments, Presented by Michael Sheedy, Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
It is an election year. This talk will highlight the key commitments of the Church to address the needs that confront our society. Can Catholic commitments transcend partisanship and can heal our society? It is not easy, but yes, they can.
Walking with Moms in Need, Presented by Chelsy Gomez, Program Consultant, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
This presentation will introduce the USCCB’s new pastoral initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need in our Catholic parishes. It will take a look at how parishes can implement the Walking with Moms in Need process locally and help demonstrate the Church’s commitment to serve and accompany mothers in difficult circumstances. Sharing examples and stories from dioceses around the country, this talk will also address common misconceptions, concerns, and questions about bringing Walking with Moms to your own parish or diocese.
A Commitment to Care At the End of Life, Presented by Paul Malley, Aging with Dignity
The opportunity to love and care for those near the end of life provides a beautiful expression and tangible vision for the Culture of Life. Drawing from our basic and universal desires to “love and be loved,” as St. Theresa of Calcutta described, this session will focus on practical ways to respond to the real challenges of living with a serious illness and approaching the end of life. Caring for a seriously ill loved one is something that, at some point, unites all of us. It matters how we respond and teach this most basic human art of caring for a person in recognition of his or her inherent human dignity.
Ending the Use of the Death Penalty in Florida, Presented by Celeste Fitzgerald, Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
The death penalty has a long history of targeting the most vulnerable: the poorest, most marginalized, most abused, and most seriously mentally ill among us. In this workshop, we’ll explore the factors that lead to this shameful reality and what we can do to put Florida on a path to a more just and healing-centered justice system.
Human Trafficking: What the Church Can Do, Presented by Corporal Alan Wilkett, Retired, Pasco County Sherriff’s Department
Florida is the third-highest state for reported Human Trafficking cases. The numbers are overwhelming, yet there are ways that we can better protect those that we love. Learn how you and your faith community can work to end the scourge of Human Trafficking and support survivors.