Congratulations LPMI Class of 2021

June 23, 2021 – Bishop Gregory Parkes presented 13 people with a Certificate in Lay Leadership Ministry at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. In an evening prayer service the Bishop congratulated and commissioned these students to serve in ministry leadership throughout the diocese. The Bishop remarked on their courageous commitment not only to ministry leadership, but to their fours years of study in the program. Bishop Parkes also congratulated and thanked their spouses, family members and friends for their support and encouragement over the four years of the program.
The graduating class represented 9 parishes from around our diocese. Graduates completed one year of discernment and three years of academic and spiritual preparation. Three individuals also received certificates from Bishop Parkes for completed programs of the Southeast Pastoral Institute Escuela de Ministerios and Pastoral Juvenil.
Those who were commissioned and their parishes are:
Susan Arcand, St. Paul (Tampa)
Tom Barrett, Nativity
Bill Brown, III, St. Stephen
Theresa Cole, St. Clement
Christine Delieto, St. Vincent de Paul
Ophelia Hinton, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Elizabeth Huetteman, St. Stephen
Paula Hurlock, St. Clement
Dale Kennedy, St. Paul (Tampa)
Christina Kijanka (Espiritu Santo)
Paul Laurence, Holy Family
Carol Ritter, St. Ignatius of Antioch
Scott Samuels, St. Paul (Tampa)