Clergy Changes – May 10, 2021
Posted inClergy Change, Pastoral Bulletin

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy appointments, effective July 1, 2021:
Reverend Victor Amorose from Parochial Administrator to Pastor of St. John Vianney Parish, St. Pete Beach.
Reverend Curtis Carro from Parochial Administrator to Pastor of St. Raphael Parish, St. Petersburg.
Reverend Thomas Anastasia to Pastor of Guardian Angels School, Clearwater, continuing other assignments.
Vicars Forane (Deans)
Reverend Emery Longanga, Ph.D. to Vicar Forane of the Southwest Deanery, continuing other assignments.
Reverend Michael Smith to Vicar Forane of the North Central Deanery, continuing other assignments.
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