Clergy Changes ~ December 7, 2020
Posted inClergy Change, Pastoral Bulletin

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy changes, effective January 1, 2021:
Reverend Theobald Weria, A.L.C.P., from Parochial Administrator of St. Peter Claver Parish, Tampa to Parochial Vicar of St. Cecelia Parish, Clearwater.
Deacon James (“Ben”) Hooks, to Coordinator of Pastoral Care pro tempore, St. Peter Claver Parish, Tampa. The diocesan Office of Catholic Schools and Centers will temporarily oversee administration of St. Peter Claver Catholic School.
Reverend Jacinto Vera Mejia, C.Ss.R., from Parochial Vicar of St. Clement Parish, Plant City. Father Vera is seeking pastoral ministry outside the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
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