Resurrection Catholic Cemetery will be Blessed on April 26th
On Friday, April 26, 2024, at 10 a.m., Bishop Gregory Parkes will bless and dedicate the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s new Resurrection Cemetery located at 10668 E. Sligh Avenue, Seffner. All are invited to attend this historic event! Click here for a letter of invitation from Bishop Parkes.
Tours of the cemetery grounds, including the mausoleums, are currently available for those interested in learning more. Cemetery staff are available to answer questions and provide a brochure on “Planning Your Cemetery Arrangements.” To learn more, call 813-961-8400, email Terry Young via terry@resurrectioncemeteryfl or visit
Into your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Below are promotional/informational resources regarding the new cemetery that we invite you to share with your community.
To download one of these images below to your computer, right click on the image then click “save image as.”
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why should I choose to be buried in a Catholic Cemetery?
For a Catholic, burial in a Catholic cemetery is a final act of faith, to one’s belief in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life. The Catholic cemetery is a sacred place set aside by the Church for the burial of the faithful. The bodies of those buried there rest under the watchful eye of the local Bishop until the last day. The Catholic cemetery is an extension of the parish community where those who have worshipped together in life now rest together in peace, awaiting Christ’s return in glory. Though the character and charism of a Catholic cemetery is different from that of commercial and municipal cemeteries, Catholics buried in non-Catholic cemeteries lie in ground, crypt or niche that was made sacred during the Rite of Committal.
Does the Church allow cremation of the body?
Catholics may choose cremation, provided it in no way expresses a denial of the Catholic teaching of the dignity of the body, created by Almighty God to be a temple of the Holy Spirit and destined to share fully in the resurrection of the just on the Last Day.
What is the proper method for final disposition of the cremated remains?
Catholics are strongly urged to be buried or entombed in a Catholic cemetery or the Catholic section of a non-Catholic cemetery.
Informational Articles
(These can be copied for your parish communication purposes. Please credit Gulf Coast Catholic.)
How Should I Handle the Remains of My Loved One? | PDF Version
Informational Brochure
Click here to download a brochure titled: The Dignity of Human Life and Catholic Teaching on Death .