The Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts, Diocese of St. Petersburg was established in 1971. This Diocesan program has come a long way since then, in addition to Catholic National Scouting awards for girls Kindergarten through 12th grade, there are nationally recognized Diocesan Awards for girls in kindergarten through the 8th grade.
Weekend and Day Retreats were developed in 1976 to celebrate our Catholic faith with young girls in the Diocese. In 1982, the National Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts and Camp Fire was made a standing committee of the newly formed National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. At a diocesan and national level, the Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts continues an active role in serving the Catholic Girls in scouting of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. In 2011, we introduced a new Diocesan Award — the Guardian Angel Award–for kindergarten and 1st grade girls.