President of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Renews Commitment for Greater Effectiveness and Transparency in Disciplining Bishops
August 27, 2018

August 27, 2018 WASHINGTON— Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued the following statement. Cardinal DiNardo’s full statement follows: “In communion with the Holy Father, I join the Executive Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in taking upon ourselves his exhortation, ‘this …

President of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Renews Commitment for Greater Effectiveness and Transparency in Disciplining Bishops
August 27, 2018

WASHINGTON— Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued the following statement. Cardinal DiNardo’s full statement follows: “In communion with the Holy Father, I join the Executive Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in taking upon ourselves his exhortation, ‘this open wound [of …

Catholic bishops urge Governor Scott to spare the life of Jose Antonio Jimenez
August 10, 2018

Jose Antonio Jimenez is scheduled to be executed on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. for the 1992 murder of Phyllis Minas. In an August 9 letter to Governor Rick Scott on behalf of the bishops of Florida, Michael Sheedy, executive director, appealed to the governor to commute Jimenez’ death sentence to a life …

Pope Francis Updates Catechism Teaching on the Death Penalty
August 9, 2018

Seeking to abolish the death penalty around the world because it is an “attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person,” Pope Francis has revised the catechism’s paragraph on capital punishment, 2267. An article in L’Osservatore Romano (a Vatican newspaper) states that: “With the new formulation of n. 2267 of the Catechism, therefore, the …

Prayer Vigil for an End to the Death Penalty will be held on August 14
August 9, 2018

A group will gather to pray for an end to the use of the death penalty, and to give thanks that a stay of execution has been granted for Jose Antonio Jimenez.   All members of the community are also invited to join in prayer. When:               Tuesday, August 14, 11:30 a.m. Where:             St. Vincent de Paul Parish, …

Faith Filled Artists to Perform at Unprecedented Free Event:  “Family Faith Fest”
August 2, 2018

The Diocese of St. Petersburg is hosting an all-star lineup for the Family Faith Fest, a free music and faith festival event on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at Tampa’s Al Lopez Park and ALL are invited.  Appearing on stage will be faith-filled musical artists: Jeremy Camp, Colton Dixon, Sarah Hart, Ivan Diaz and ValLimar Jansen. …

U.S. Bishop Delegates Approved for Upcoming Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment
July 30, 2018

Pope Francis has ratified the members elected by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to represent the United States at the upcoming XV Ordinary General Assembly: Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment.  The Synod will take place October 3-28. The delegates are: Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, President of the United …

Reflexión del Presidente de Catholic Relief Services sobre la crisis en el borde…
July 2, 2018

Sean Callahan, presidente y CEO de Catholic Relief Services (CRS), escribió lo siguiente como respuesta a la separación de las familias que ha estado ocurriendo en el borde de Estados Unidos y México.  Adjunto hay maneras de ayudar a resolver la problemática de dicha separación. “In Mexico last week, I sat with a mother who …

President of Catholic Relief Services Responds to the Border Crisis
July 2, 2018

Sean Callahan, the President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), wrote the following in response to the family separation happening at the US/Mexico border. Included in his reflection are ways that you can help. “In Mexico last week, I sat with a mother who explained the suffering she and her sons faced as they …

Faith and Tradition Unite Participants of the Diocese of St. Petersburg 50th Anniversary Mass
June 18, 2018

Six Florida bishops and the papal nuncio (the pope’s ambassador to the U.S.) gathered with clergy, religious and nearly one thousand faith-filled Catholics for a Mass of Thanksgiving on June 16, 2018, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in honor of the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s golden jubilee. “Today is a day of …

Pope Francis Prays for Peace ahead of Summit between United States and North Korea
June 11, 2018

During his general address on Sunday, June 10, 2018, Pope Francis prayed for the Korean people. The Holy Father also prayed that the upcoming summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea “may contribute to the development of a positive path to assure a future of peace on the Korean peninsula and …

A Seminole, A Gator and A Bull: Three Men from Different Paths Ordained as Priests for the Diocese of St. Petersburg
May 20, 2018

Three men. Three different paths. A Seminole, a Gator and a Bull all received the same call to serve God and his people as priests. On May 19, Bishop Gregory Parkes ordained the three to the priesthood before nearly 1,000 people at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. (Link to the video here.) The …

Stories of Hope Shared at Breakfast of Mercy with Catholic Charities
April 15, 2018

Richard Peete had a family and a successful, middle-class life and he dreamed of a bright future. But things changed drastically in 1998 when his 28-year-old wife and four-year-old child died in a car accident. While still suffering from that trauma and pain, he lost his job because of the recession and housing market collapse. …

Announcements ~ April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018

PASTORAL BULLETIN — VOL. 33: NO. 14 ~  April 9, 2018 Announcements for Parish Bulletins DIOCESAN OFFICES ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD Bishop Gregory Parkes will ordain Deacons Kyle Bell, Louis Turcotte and Timothy Williford to the priesthood on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg. …

Pope Francis Releases New Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudete Et Exsultate”
April 9, 2018

New document from Pope Francis! Read the full text of our Holy Father’s new apostolic exhortation, “Guadete Et Exsultate”, which means “Rejoice and Be Glad” in Latin, here. This document is about holiness in everyday life. Check out top five take aways from the new document as presented by Father James Martin, SJ and America The Jesuit Review …

300 Catholics Attend Regional Encuentro to Discuss Challenges of Faith and Culture
March 5, 2018

Gathered in Miami for three days of intense reflection, 300 Catholics, mostly Hispanic, pondered problems and offered solutions to challenges faced by people in their communities. The Diocese of St. Petersburg had 34 delegates representing 20 parishes at the Regional V (fifth) Encuentro, which was the second largest contingency of participants. Bishop Gregory Parkes and …

Pope Francis Grants Indulgence to the Faithful during the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg
February 27, 2018

As with many jubilee years, Pope Francis has instructed that a special plenary indulgence be available for the faithful throughout 2018 for the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. The faithful who commit to a complete detachment of sin may follow the steps below to receive this indulgence. For Able-Bodied Catholics Devoutly make a …

Pope Francis Grants Indulgence to the Faithful during the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg
February 27, 2018

As with many jubilee years, Pope Francis has instructed that a special plenary indulgence be available for the faithful throughout 2018 (January 1, 2018- December 31, 2018)  for the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. The faithful who commit to a complete detachment of sin may follow the steps below to receive this indulgence. …

Pope Francis Grants Indulgence to the Faithful during the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg
February 26, 2018

As with many jubilee years, Pope Francis has instructed that a special plenary indulgence be available for the faithful throughout 2018 for the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. The faithful who commit to a complete detachment of sin may follow the steps below to receive this indulgence. For Able-Bodied Catholics Devoutly make …

Diocese of St. Petersburg Will Be Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 6
February 2, 2018

In an effort to lead all people closer to the Heart of Jesus, Bishop Gregory Parkes has announced that he will consecrate the parishes, schools, charities, ministries and all people who live in the five counties of the Diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To consecrate means to dedicate or set aside for a …

Diocese of St. Petersburg Will Be Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 6
February 2, 2018

In an effort to lead all people closer to the Heart of Jesus, Bishop Gregory Parkes has announced that he will consecrate the parishes, schools, charities, ministries and all people who live in the five counties of the Diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To consecrate means to dedicate or set aside for a …

Bishop Parkes and the Visioning Team Continue the Discernment Process
January 11, 2018

The 16 members of the Visioning Team of the Diocese of St. Petersburg met on Jan. 4 and Jan. 5 for half-day sessions to continue the process of discerning a Mutually Shared Vision and develop a plan of priorities and goals that will guide the Diocese of St. Petersburg into the future with purpose, focus, …

Are you between the ages of 16-29? The pope wants to hear from you!
October 12, 2017

To prepare for next year’s international Synod on “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment,” the Holy Father wants online feedback from all youth and young adults, ages 16 to 29, from around the world, regardless of how active they are in the practice of the faith. Youth and young adults, ages 16 to 29, …

Msgr. Joseph Pellegrino Receives Fr. Luis Distinguished Priestly Service Award
October 4, 2017

October 3, 2017 – Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pellegrino became the 21st recipient of the Fr. Luis Distinguished Priestly Service Award at the annual Convocation for Priestly Renewal. He was selected by his peers to receive the award in recognition of  his dedicated ministry and service to the faithful and community of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Msgr. Joseph Pellegrino …

Pope Francis Gives TED Talk
April 28, 2017

Pope Francis recently gave a TED Talk, urging people to make real connections with each other. “Good intentions and conventional formulas, so often used to appease our conscience, are not enough,” Pope Francis said. “Let us help each other, all together, to remember that the other is not a statistic or a number. The other has …

Rev. Roy Campbell Appointed Auxiliary Bishop, Washington, DC
March 28, 2017

The Rev. Roy Edward Campbell Jr. was recently appointed by Pope Francis to serve as auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. He will be one of three bishops in the archdiocese assisting Cardinal Donald Wuerl. As bishop, Rev. Campbell will replace Bishop Martin D. Holley, who served 12 years as auxiliary bishop in Washington …

2017 Lenten Season
February 27, 2017

During Lent, we are encouraged to raise up the needs of the world in prayer, to sacrifice or fast by giving up food or material wants, and to offer our time, talent, and treasure as good stewards of the gifts God has given us. Pope Francis’ 2017 Lenten message USCCB Lenten Resources Parish Lenten/Easter Guidelines – English / Spanish See …

Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Gregory L. Parkes as Next Bishop of St. Petersburg
November 28, 2016

With great joy we announce that His Holiness, Pope Francis, has appointed Most Reverend Bishop Gregory L. Parkes, Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida. Bishop Parkes succeeds the retiring Bishop Robert N. Lynch, who has served as Bishop of St. Petersburg since his installation in 1996. …

Witnessing the Canonization of Mother Teresa
September 4, 2016

September 4, 2016 – Sister Regina Ozuzu, H.H.C.J., principal of Bishop Larkin Catholic School in Port Richey, proudly represented the Bishop Larkin Catholic School family and our diocese in Rome as Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa of Kolkata a saint. Sister Regina joined an estimated 120,000 people from around the world in St. Peter’s Square for the Canonization …

Preparing for a New Bishop
September 2, 2016

May 27 was Bishop Lynch’s seventy-fifth birthday. On that day, he signed and sent a letter to the Holy Father asking to retire after having reached the mandatory “age limit” for bishops. Our diocese is now in a waiting period to hear from the Vatican who our new bishop will be.  Bishop Lynch will still be in office until we …

More than 70 Pilgrims Attended World Youth Day
July 22, 2016

More than 70 pilgrims from our diocese attended the 2016 World Youth Day in Poland. Some of the participating parishes include St. Timothy Parish, St. Peter the Apostle Parish, St. Joseph Parish in Zephyrhills, Mary Help of Christians Parish, Nativity Parish, Resurrection Parish, and Sacred Heart Parish in Pinellas Park. WORLD YOUTH DAY PHOTOS Our pilgrims shared photos from …

Statement by the National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
July 19, 2016

NABCA Press Release – July 18, 2016 Birmingham, AL, July 18, 2016– The National Association of Black Catholic Administrators (NABCA) strongly condemns the continuing disproportionate use of excessive and deadly force against Black men and women by law enforcement and any attacks on law enforcement officers in the United States. Racial bias in law enforcement …

18 Received Papal Honors
March 30, 2016

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the papal honors of Chaplain to His Holiness, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, and Benerementi. The recipients were honored during a private ceremony in April 2016 at the Bethany Center. The following priests have been named Chaplains to His Holiness:  Rev. Monsignor Ronald Aubin Rev. Monsignor Dennis Hughes Rev. Monsignor Joseph Pellegrino …

18 Receive Papal Honors
March 14, 2016

February 19, 2016 – We are pleased to announce the recipients of the papal honors of Chaplain to His Holiness, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, and Benerementi. The recipients will be honored during a private ceremony in April at the Bethany Center. The following priests have been named Chaplains to His Holiness:  Rev. Monsignor Ronald Aubin Rev. Monsignor …

11 Lenten Communal Penance Services around the Diocese for 2016
February 20, 2016

Bishop Lynch will be leading eleven communal penance services around the diocese during Lent. The dates and locations are listed below. For more information about receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please read the brochure “A Short Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation” in English or Spanish. 10 Reasons to Go to Confession – USCCB blog post “My Side …

2016 Lenten Season
February 2, 2016

In his 2016 Lenten message, Pope Francis asks us to reflect upon and put into practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Embrace his call to mercy by reaching out to those in need.  Be attentive to the Lenten call to prayer; be generous with your time and treasure. “For all of us, then, the …

Statement on the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision
January 7, 2016

Saddened by yet another anniversary of the January 22, 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, the Catholic bishops of Florida recognize in their annual Roe v. Wade statement the courage of lawmakers who this past year sought to reduce abortion in our state. The bishops were deeply moved by the post-abortive women who …