DIOCESAN OFFICES Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers (BICM) Workshops Presented by the Multicultural Ministry and Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute offices of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. BICM is an initiative from the USCCB Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church designed to introduce ministry leaders to a basic awareness and proficiency in the area of …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers (BICM) Workshops Presented by the Multicultural Ministry and Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute offices of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. BICM is an initiative from the USCCB Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church designed to introduce ministry leaders to a basic awareness and proficiency in the area of …
DIOCESAN OFFICES SEND US YOUR ASH WEDNESDAY PHOTOS Ash Wednesday is “the day when a smudge on the forehead, for those who understand it, means I’ll try to do better. I’ll do what Lent asks: more prayer, more sacrifice, more almsgiving” – Sr. Mary Ann Walsh, RSM. Share you Ash Wednesday photos with us as …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Lenten Prayer Opportunity: Receive “Be Courageous Daily Reflections” Sign up for the Be Courageous Daily Reflection! These reflections examine the Scripture of the day, including a question to think about in relation to your own life and a prayer intention for the day. The reflections feature a variety of writers from around the Diocese of …
DIOCESAN OFFICES What Happens When Abuse Is Reported? All people who hold positions of trust in Catholic institutions are mandated by law to report child abuse. Teachers, teacher’s aides, and counselors in our schools; clergy, directors of faith formation and youth ministers in our parishes; therapists and social workers in our counseling agencies; nurses and …
DIOCESAN OFFICES What Happens When Abuse Is Reported?All people who hold positions of trust in Catholic institutions are mandated by law to report child abuse. Teachers, teacher’s aides, and counselors in our schools; clergy, directors of faith formation and youth ministers in our parishes; therapists and social workers in our counseling agencies; nurses and doctors …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Marriage and Family Life (Please put the following in your parish bulletin and pulpit announcements as many times as possible prior to the deadline.) The Marriage Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Gregory Parkes will take place at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle on Sunday, February 23rd at 3:00 …
DIOCESAN OFFICES CHRISTMAS EVE MASS WITH BISHOP GREGORY PARKES TO BE LIVE VIDEO STREAMED FOR THE HOMEBOUND The joyous celebration of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg will be live-streamed starting at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2019. To view on your …
DIOCESAN OFFICES CHRISTMAS EVE MASS WITH BISHOP GREGORY PARKES TO BE LIVE VIDEO STREAMED FOR THE HOMEBOUND The joyous celebration of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg will be live-streamed starting at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2019. To view on your …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Catholic Days at the Capitol Make the Trip and Make a Difference! January 28-29, 2020, returning January 30th. This two-day event provides the opportunity to put into action our faith’s call to political responsibility and allows us to strengthen the presence of our Catholic values in the public square. We will also be joined …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Catholic Days at the Capitol Make the Trip and Make a Difference! January 28-29, 2020, returning January 30th. This two-day event provides the opportunity to put into action our faith’s call to political responsibility and allows us to strengthen the presence of our Catholic values in the public square. We will also be joined …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Congratulations St. Jude Medal Award Honorees On Sunday, November 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg, Bishop Parkes will present the St. Jude Medal Award to representatives from parishes for their distinguished and outstanding service to the community. To see the list of this …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Congratulations St. Jude Medal Award Honorees On Sunday, November 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg, Bishop Parkes will present the St. Jude Medal Award to representatives from parishes for their distinguished and outstanding service to the community. To see the list of this …
DIOCESAN OFFICES A Promise to Protect Occasionally, parishioners and parents of Catholic school students will inquire about the safety of our parishes and schools when it comes to prevention of child sexual abuse. Please see the following link (PDF doc.) to find a list of Frequently Asked Questions concerning the commitment of our Diocese to …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Urge Governor DeSantis to stay execution of James Dailey, a veteran with evidence of innocence James Dailey is scheduled to be executed on November 7th. Dailey, who was sentenced to death for the 1985 murder of 14-year-old Shelly Boggio, has a strong case for innocence. The Catholic bishops of Florida have written to …
DIOCESAN OFFICES National Vocation Awareness Week The Office of Vocations invites you to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life during National Vocation Awareness Week, November 3-9, 2019. The theme for this year is Family: the Foundation for Vocations. Vocation awareness week is an opportunity to promote a culture of vocations across the Diocese. …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Do You Have Courageous Faith?Living our faith is counter-cultural and we need inspiration from others who are on the same journey. That’s what Courageous Faith, the e-newsletter from the Diocese of St. Petersburg, seeks to provide. If you are a ministry leader who is searching for ways to evangelize the culture or if you are …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Religious Jubilee MassOn Sunday, October 13, 2019, the Diocese of St. Petersburg will celebrate the Religious Jubilee of twelve men and women who have reached milestones in their commitment to the Church through their Congregations. Representing a total of 715 years of consecrated service to the People of God, the religious will renew …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Tune In To Spirit FM 90.5 and Listen to Bishop Gregory ParkesBe sure to tune in to Spirit FM 90.5 radio for the program, A View from the Top with Bishop Parkes each Friday at 11:30 a.m. This radio program provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events. Also, you can subscribe to the …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Tune In To Spirit FM 90.5 and Listen to Bishop Gregory Parkes Be sure to tune in to Spirit FM 90.5 radio for the program, A View from the Top with Bishop Parkes each Friday at 11:30 a.m. This radio program provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events. Also, you can …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Chosen by Him – A Day of Reflection & Discernment for Women The Office of Vocations will host Chosen by Him – A Day of Reflection & Discernment for Women, on Saturday, October 26, 2019, from 10 am until 2 pm at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg. Hear …
Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers: Monsignor Avelino Garcia The Chancellor’s Office was notified of the passing of Monsignor Avelino Garcia, 75, a retired priest of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, on September 1, 2019, while under Hospice care at Bon Secours Maria Manor, St. …
DIOCESAN OFFICES From the Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy Life, Justice and Advocacy Day Saturday, October 5, 2019, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. St. Patrick Parish (4518 S. Manhattan Ave. Tampa). How to Talks to Kids about Things No One Wants to Talk About- Dr. Lori Puterbaugh will help parents and parish leaders learn …
DIOCESAN OFFICES From the Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy For Immediate Attention As you may know, the State of Florida executed a Death Row prisoner last Thursday. Please share the following Prayers of the Faithful with the person that prepares your prayers for daily and weekend Masses. It is important that we pray for …
Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers: Mrs. Sophie Carroll The Chancellor’s Office was notified of the passing of Mrs. Sophie Carroll, age 81, on July 23, 2019. Mrs. Carroll was a long-time employee of the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg, as well as …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Catholic Bulls Are Invited to Help Kick-Off the New School Year! The Catholic Student Union at the University of South Florida is having a Welcome Home Weekend for students, parents, alumni, and friends of the CSU. Saturday, August 24, 5:00 p.m. – Vigil Mass followed by a followed by a festive event with …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Beware of Text Message and Social Media Scams It has come to the attention of the Diocese of St. Petersburg that parishioners have been receiving text messages asking for money and gift cards from people pretending to be our priests. Our priests and staff do not contact individuals via text message or social …
DIOCESAN OFFICES A Candid Conversation with Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events. A new episode can be heard on Friday, July 19 at 11:30 a.m. on Spirit FM 90.5. Also, you can subscribe to the …
DIOCESAN OFFICES A Candid Conversation with Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events. A new episode can be heard on Friday, July 19 at 11:30 a.m. on Spirit FM 90.5. Also, you can subscribe to the …
DIOCESAN OFFICES From the Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy Pornography Recovery Group A confidential support and recovery group is being formed for those that suffer from addiction to pornography, or feel they need help to stop viewing pornography. Meetings will take place monthly, in the early evening in Brandon, beginning in late June. …
DIOCESAN OFFICES From the Communications Office HURRICANE SEASON Please help your community to stay informed and safe during hurricane season. Here is information that can be shared in your bulletin. Hurricane Season English PDF and Spanish PDF Hurricane Season English Word and Spanish Word Preparing for Severe Weather Hurricane season is here and continues …
PARISHES AND ORGANIZATIONS “Your Heart’s Desire” Eucharistic Healing Retreat Elisheba House invites everyone to attend our annual summer retreat at the Hilton Garden Inn Tampa Suncoast Parkway Hotel in Lutz on June 28-29, 2019 (Friday 7 p.m. – Saturday 5:30 p.m.). Mass will be celebrated, plus inspirational talks and an opportunity for Reconciliation, reflection and …
DIOCESAN OFFICE Let’s Keep Our Children Safe This Summer! All teachers, staff, and volunteers in the Diocese of St. Petersburg who work with children must undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks. Diocesan guidelines and abuse prevention training programs currently in use emphasize the importance of parents’ knowing who has access to their children at school …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Let’s Keep Our Children Safe This Summer! All teachers, staff, and volunteers in the Diocese of St. Petersburg who work with children must undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks. Diocesan guidelines and abuse prevention training programs currently in use emphasize the importance of parents’ knowing who has access to their children at …
DIOCESAN OFFICES 6th Annual Spirit FM Catholic Women’s Conference Florida State Fairgrounds Join Spirit FM, Fr. Larry Richards, Leah Darrow and Elizabeth Bunbury on Saturday, September 28, 2019 as women from throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg and West Central Florida gather together at the Florida State Fairgrounds to celebrate faith, family, fellowship and …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Inspiration and Information from Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events. A new episode can be heard on Friday, May 10 at 11:30 a.m. on Spirit FM 90.5. Also, you can subscribe to …
DIOCESAN OFFICES 6th Annual Spirit FM Catholic Women’s Conference Florida State Fairgrounds Join Spirit FM, Fr. Larry Richards, Leah Darrow and Elizabeth Bunbury on Saturday, September 28, 2019 as women from throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg and West Central Florida gather together at the Florida State Fairgrounds to celebrate faith, family, fellowship and …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Have You Heard the Bishop’s Radio Show? Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, April 26 at 11:30 a.m. …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Child Abuse Prevention Month April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is observed during the spring and especially in proximity to the Easter season, a time when we celebrate new life! There is no better time of year to celebrate the protection of …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Child Abuse Prevention Month April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is observed during the spring and especially in proximity to the Easter season, a time when we celebrate new life! There is no better time of year to celebrate the protection of …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Have You Heard the Bishop’s Podcast? Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode on Holy Week and Easter can be heard on Friday, April 12 …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Have You Heard the Bishop’s Podcast? Join Bishop Gregory Parks for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, March 29 at 11:30 a.m. on …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Have You Heard the Bishop’s Podcast? Join Bishop Gregory Parks for A View From The Top, a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, March 29 at 11:30 a.m. on …
****** DIOCESAN OFFICES Receive Encouragement Each Day You are invited to sign up to receive daily Scripture reflections on Courageously Living the Gospel that will provide suggestions and prayers for more boldly living your faith! You can choose to receive the reflections via email or text starting on Wednesday, March 13. Sign up to be …
****** DIOCESAN OFFICES Statewide Stewardship Day PRAYER, FORMATION, HOSPITALITY and SERVICE. On Saturday, May 4, the seven dioceses of Florida will join together to explore how we can implement stewardship through these topics at our second Statewide Stewardship Day, “Engaging the Family through the Four Pillars of Stewardship.” This incredible day of formation features concelebrated Mass …
******* DIOCESAN OFFICES 2a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “Vivir Valientemente el Evangelio” Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries. Sábado, 6 de abril, 2019 en el Salón Social, Nativity Catholic Church, Brandon. Conferenciantes invitados: Dr. Fernando Casanova y Padre Philip (Felipe) Scott. Santa Misa oficiada por el Abad Isaac Camacho, Abadia …
DIOCESAN OFFICES “A View From The Top with Bishop Gregory Parkes” Join Bishop Gregory Parks for “A View From The Top,” a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, February 22 at 11:30 …
DIOCESAN OFFICES “A View From The Top with Bishop Gregory Parkes” Join Bishop Gregory Parks for “A View From The Top,” a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, February 22 at 11:30 …
DIOCESAN OFFICES Catholic Days at the Capitol: Make the Trip and Make a Difference! March 26-27 (returning March 28). This two-day event provides the opportunity to put into action our faith’s call to political responsibility and allows us to strengthen the presence of our Catholic values in the public square. We will also be joined …
DIOCESAN OFFICES 2018/19 Rice Bowl Mini Grants Recipients The Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy is pleased to announce the following recipients of the fall 2018/19 Rice Bowl Mini Grants, made possible by 25% of local Rice Bowl contributions retained for local use. Congratulations to the following parishes and organizations: Catholic Charities-Parish Ministries for …
* DIOCESAN OFFICES A View From The Top with Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parks for “A View From The Top,” a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, January 25 at …
***** DIOCESAN OFFICES A View From The Top with Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parks for “A View From The Top,” a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode can be heard on Friday, January 25 at …
****** DIOCESAN OFFICES The Catholic Foundation Gala 2019 Please mark your calendars for the 2019 Catholic Foundation Gala on Saturday February 2nd at the Hilton Downtown Tampa. All guests will enjoy a top-notch dinner, keynote address by Richard Gonzmart, fourth-generation “caretaker” of the Columbia Restaurant Group, 50/50 Raffle, live auction and the art showcase featuring …
****** DIOCESAN OFFICES Vocatus Discernment Group for Men Vocatus is a group for men who feel that the Lord might be calling them to the incredible vocation of the Priesthood. High school juniors and above are invited to attend on Thursday, December 20, from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm at the Pastoral Center (6363 9th Avenue North, St. …
****** DIOCESAN OFFICES A View From The Top with Bishop Gregory Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parks for “A View From The Top,” a radio program that provides a candid and hopeful conversation on current events that affect our Church, our community and our country. A new episode, “Favorite Christmas Memories” can be heard on Friday, …