Misa Diocesana Hispana celebrada en honor a Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Maipú, Patrona de Chile.
September 2, 2017

Más de 900 personas asistieron a la Misa Diocesana Hispana el pasado 14 de octubre de 2017 para, en unión al Obispo Gregory L.  Parkes, celebrar la belleza de nuestra fe y las muchas contribuciones que la comunidad católica hispana realiza para fortalecer la iglesia local en los cinco condados del centro oeste de la …

Asamblea Diocesana Hispana Celebra Reunión Bianual
September 1, 2017

La Asamblea Diocesana Hispana celebró su reunión bianual el sábado 26 de agosto de 2017 en el Bethany Center con la asistencia de 61 personas, incluyendo miembros, presentadores e invitados especiales. La reunión dio comienzo con la oración, dirigida por el Padre Gilberto Quintero, Secretario de la Oficina Multicultural, seguido de la bienvenida ofrecida por …

Conozca sus Derechos: Talleres Consultas Legales Gratuitas
May 23, 2017

Estos talleres son organizados por la Oficina del Ministerio por la Vida: 6/4/2017- St. Rita, Dade City at 10:45 AM 6/11/2017 – San Jose Mission, Dover at 12:00 PM 7/15/2017 – Corpus Christi, Temple Terrace at 9 AM 8/19/2017 – Light of Christ, Clearwater at 3:30 PM Para más información, por favor descargue el afiche aquí. El …

Concurso de Video Viral “Nuestra Alegría”
April 28, 2017

Washington, DC: El Quinto Encuentro de Pastoral Hispana/Latina (V Encuentro) lanza “Nuestra Alegría” un video musical con la canción tema oficial juvenil del V Encuentro. Jóvenes Católicos en toda la nación desarrollarán movimientos o gestos para la canción en un reto de video viral. El sencillo, “Nuestra Alegría,” fue lanzado por Oregon Catholic Press en …

Gathering on African Christian Theology
March 28, 2017

Click on the links here to read about the recent  conference on African Christian Theology. The gathering, entitled  “African Christian Theology: Memories and Mission for the 21st Century”, was organized by Notre Dame’s Center for Culture and Ethics, and took place in Rome on March 22-25, 2017. The conference included bishops, priests, deacons, professors, theologians, students, …

Rev. Roy Campbell Appointed Auxiliary Bishop, Washington, DC
March 28, 2017

The Rev. Roy Edward Campbell Jr. was recently appointed by Pope Francis to serve as auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. He will be one of three bishops in the archdiocese assisting Cardinal Donald Wuerl. As bishop, Rev. Campbell will replace Bishop Martin D. Holley, who served 12 years as auxiliary bishop in Washington …

More than 567 Bibles Donated to Prison Ministries
March 22, 2017

Over 567 Bibles have been donated to Prison Ministries thanks to a Community Partner Challenge from Angels Senior Living Center and Datalink Software during Spirit FM 90.5?’s 2017 Spread the Word campaign! We are so grateful to Spirit FM’s listeners for taking up the challenge and ensuring that those imprisoned have access to the reason for …

January 27, 2017

Unidos al obispo Gregory Parkes la comunidad muestra su apoyo para con nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes, y los refugiados que viven, trabajan y tienen sus hogares en nuestra comunidad. ¿Cuándo?  Siempre  ¿Cómo? Orando y defendiendo a la luz del Evangelio y con nuestras acciones la dignidad del ser humano y sus derechos como personas creadas a la …

Congratulations Fr. Viet!
November 3, 2016

On October 20th, 2016 during a beautiful Mass and celebration Father Viet Nguyen was honored  by the Vietnamese community and his brother priests for his new assignment as administrator of The Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Mission in Largo. Visiting from Vietnam and presiding was Bishop Pierre Nguyen Van Knam of My Tho Province. Please see the photos …

Statement by the National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
July 19, 2016

NABCA Press Release – July 18, 2016 Birmingham, AL, July 18, 2016– The National Association of Black Catholic Administrators (NABCA) strongly condemns the continuing disproportionate use of excessive and deadly force against Black men and women by law enforcement and any attacks on law enforcement officers in the United States. Racial bias in law enforcement …

Statement by the National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC): A Call to Prayer and Action
July 14, 2016

Baltimore, 13 July 2016:  The National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC) joins the nation in mourning over the tragedies in Baton Rouge, the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, and Dallas last week. As we commend to the Lord those who have died, we pray for the consolation of all who are grieving. It is important for Black Catholics …

Day of Reflection in Preparation for National Black Catholic Congress 2017
July 1, 2016

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Please join us at our next diocesan Assembly meeting on Saturday, July 16, 2016 in the McLoughlin Center at Christ the King parish in Tampa, FL. The meeting will be from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. The Black Catholic Assembly, Diocese of St. Petersburg will host a Day of Reflection in …

Filipino Community Will Welcome Renown Speakers!
April 20, 2016

HOLY YEAR OF MERCY – SAVE THE DATE! The Filipino Community invites the faithful of the Diocese to participate in the 19th National Convention of the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (AFCCPC). “Be Merciful, just as your Father is Merciful”  Lk 6:36  2016_AFCCPC_Convention Flyer The conference will be hosted by the Filipino Catholic Prayer (Groups) Communities …

Retiro de la Pascua Juvenil 2017 – Easter Retreats for Youth and Young Adults – 2017
April 6, 2016

DOS RETIROS DE PASCUA EN EL MISMO DIA Y LUGAR: (INSCRIPCION ESTARA DISPONIBLE PRONTRO) Uno para Jóvenes mayores de 18  y hasta  35 años de edad (Español)  y  otro para jóvenes Adolescentes de 12-18 años de edad  (Inglés/Bilingüe/Spanglish) La Pastoral Juvenil de la Diócesis de Saint Petersburg te invita a celebrar la Pascua Juvenil 2017, que este …

Materiales – Taller de Liderazgo – Padre Salvador Valadez Fuentes
March 13, 2016

Materiales del Taller/Retiro de Liderazgo: Los siguientes materiales han sido proporsionados por el padre Salvador Valadez Fuentes para que sean utilizados, con su permiso,  en sus comunidades. 1- AÑO DE LA MISERICORIDA 2- FE Y LIDERAZGO CRISITIANO 3- Modelo de liderazgo en EG –  4- SALMO 022 (para imprimir)  SALMO 022 (Para pasar como video) 6- Ser …

Martyrs of La Florida Missions
December 18, 2015

New Cause for the Saints: Martyrs of La Florida Missions On Monday October 12, 2015, Maureen Biebrich, and Marilyn Cisek, representatives from our Native American Ministry attended the Official Opening of the Cause for Canonization of the Martyrs of La Florida Mission.  As stated by Maureen, “The Mass and official ceremonies were filled with a serene …

Invitation from the Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Pastoral Mission
November 10, 2015

The Congregation of The Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Pastoral Mission cordially invites you to attend the celebration of THE FEAST OF THE HOLY MARTYRS OF VIETNAM Sunday, November 15, 2015 – 9:00 am 9099 90th Avenue North –  Largo, Florida 33777 LUNCH AND MUSIC RECEPTION TO FOLLOW Contact: Vincent Tran 727-776-3903

Ministerio Hispanio en los Estados Unidos
August 17, 2015

ESQUEMA HISTORICO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO  EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Mario Vizcaíno, Sch.P.  y Equipo Pastoral  (16 de mayo, 2013): 1945– El Arzobispo Robert E. Lucey organiza la Oficina para Asuntos Hispanos en San Antonio, Texas. 1967– Se funda la Oficina Regional del Medioeste para Asuntos Hispanos (Spanish Speaking Catholic Commission) en Lansing, Michigan. y se …

Guadalupe is at Home at St. Justin Martyr!
July 19, 2015

A large image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Virgen Morena as it is also known by our Hispanic faithful, finds home at St. Justin Martyr Parish, in Largo.  The image depicts the true colors from the original and it stands almost six feet tall. Father Gerald Hendry, Parochial Administrator, began his assignment at St. Justin,  July 1st. Masses at the parish are celebrated in …

Evening of Tribute to Deacon Lionel Roberts
June 30, 2015

Blessed Trinity Church in St. Petersburg, invites you to a Testimonial Dinner and Celebration honoring Deacon Lionel Roberts in appreciation of his many local, national, and international contributions in service to his Church, his community and the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Deacon Lionel was ordained for the Diocese of Brooklyn in 1977.  He and his family moved to St. …

Evening of Tribute to Deacon Lionel Roberts
June 30, 2015

Bishop Robert N. Lynch, Bishop of St. Petersburg and Rev. Wayne Genereux, Pastor of Blessed Trinity Church in St. Petersburg, invite you to a Testimonial Dinner and Celebration in appreciation of the many Local, National, and International contributions of Deacon Lionel Roberts. Deacon was ordained for the Diocese of Brooklyn, and has served the Diocese of St. Petersburg in many …

Retiro Para Jovenes Adolescentes
June 11, 2015

La Experiencia en Cristo es un retiro Católico Hispano para jóvenes adolescents el cual se llevará a cabo del 7 al 9 de agosto, 2015 – En el centro de retiros Bethany. Todos los Grupos de parroquias están invitados a participar. Para más información vea el folleto: Experiencia en Cristo  email experienciaencristo@gmail.com o llama al 813-421-DIOS / …

June 4, 2015

Jóvenes Adultos de la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y de otras Diócesis del Sureste Todos están invitados al retiro Atrévete  para Jóvenes de 18-35 años de edad con el  Padre Misionero Felipe Scott. ¡El grupo Pastoral Juvenil de St. Petersburg te invita a vivir un maravilloso fin de semana en compañía de Jesus y de …

May 27, 2015

Residentes de bajos ingresos de la Florida continúan sufriendo debido a una falta de acceso a atención médica de calidad. Legisladores de la Florida decidirán en junio si se debe ampliar la cobertura de salud a cerca de un millón de trabajadores de bajos recursos residentes de la Florida. Nuestra comunidad tiene la responsabilidad de …

Misa Diocesana Hispana – Celebración de Nuestras Advocaciones Marianas
May 12, 2015

Poster de La Misa Hispana  (11″x17″)   10 de octubre, 2015 – Catedral de St. Jude The Apostle – 10:00 am – Rosario / Rosary 10:30 am – Desfile de Banderas/ Procession of Flags 11:00 am – Misa / Mass. Peregrinaje de la Virgen: La Imagen de la Virgen estará en peregrinaje en las seis regiones …

Retiro de Jóvenes Adolescentes. Stand Firm: Courageous in Faith
April 28, 2015

La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano, junto con líderes hispanos del Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos de la diócesis de St. Petersburg, fueron invitados a ofrecer un retiro en Spanglish para el grupo juvenil Vida Joven de la Iglesia Católica Nativity de Brandon, el Sábado, 25 de abril 2015. 39 maravillosos jóvenes y más de 15 líderes …

Strawberry Festival and Naming Ceremony with the Many Nations Circle!
April 23, 2015

Pictured from Left to right: “She who Stands with the Wind in Her Face,” “Two Feathers,” “Swan Woman,” Vivi Iglesias, and “Smiling Eyes.” The First Native American Strawberry Festival was celebrated at St. Anne in Ruskin on Saturday, April 18, 2015 by the Many Nations Kateri Circle – our Diocesan Native American Ministry. Gail Rando, …

National Black Catholic Congress Coming to Florida
February 24, 2015

July 6-9, 2017 Congress XII….Save the Date! Location: The National Black Catholic Congress, Inc. Hyatt Regency Orlando Orlando, Florida For more information: The NBCC will post more news as it happens on their web site, www.nbccongress.org.  

The “Reaching Out” Quilt
February 3, 2015

The “Reaching Out” Quilt  shows the outline of the hands of juveniles incarcerated at the Orient Road Jail in Tampa. Their achievements include receiving their General Education Diplomas, mentoring in math, writing, science, reading. The Diocesan Prison Ministry Success & Empowerment Program, (brainchild of volunteer Elena Zerfas), goes far beyond the regular educational system by providing life skills, …

Florida Conference Meeting
January 29, 2015

A meeting was held on Saturday, October 25 for Black Catholic Ministry representatives from the dioceses of Florida. The group, known as the Florida Conference of Offices for Black Catholic Ministry, was established as a Conference to help the various diocesan offices connect, share information and resources, plan events and support one another. Due to …