Bishop Gregory Parkes to Celebrate Mass of Healing for Victims of Abuse

Bishop Parkes will celebrate a Mass of Healing for those in need of spiritual healing because of abuse in all forms, including sexual, physical or emotional, and those who wish to pray for victims/survivors of abuse, their family and friends. The community is invited to participate.
The Mass will held on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg.
During the Mass, those harmed by abuse are invited to call upon Jesus, the Good Shepherd, for comfort, peace and healing. Also, April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, where greater awareness of the prevention of all forms of child abuse is promoted through various educational and spiritual activities
Opportunities for prayer with a priest or conversation with our Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mr. John Lambert, will be available following the Mass.
The Mass of Healing from the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle will be livestreamed at, and
If you have questions about this event, please contact Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Coordinator at (727) 344-1611 or