Clergy Changes ~ April 12, 2021

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy appointments, effective May 1, 2021: APPOINTMENT Reverend Tamil Selvam [Sivagangai, India] to Parochial Vicar of St. Paul Parish, Tampa. RELIEVING Upon conferral with Very Reverend Thomas Reddy, O.C.D., Provincial Superior of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, Telangana, India Province, Reverend Ambrose Kadambukatt, O.C.D., …

Clergy Appointments ~ Spring 2021

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy changes, effective July 1, 2021 unless otherwise indicated: RETIREMENT STATUS Monsignor Ronald B. Aubin, J.C.L., from Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Land O’ Lakes, granted retirement status.Reverend C. Timothy Corcoran, III, from Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Tampa and Vicar …

Announcements ~ April 5, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Bishop Parkes will Consecrate the Diocese of St. Petersburg to St. Joseph on May 1st Bishop Gregory Parkes will consecrate parishes, schools, ministries and the people of the Diocese of St. Petersburg to St. Joseph on Saturday, May 1st, the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the …

Announcements ~ March 29, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Easter Message from Bishop Parkes We are providing QR Code bulletin graphics (square and rectangle sized in English and Spanish). Parishioners can point their cell phone camera at the QR code and a link to access the webpage with the bishop’s message will appear. Graphisc at these links: Square (English) – Square …

Msgr. Dee Celebrates 65 Years of Priestly Ministry

Congratulations to all of our priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year! Rev. Msgr. Dacian Dee is one of the 21 who will be recognized at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. The Chrism Mass is not open to the public due to social distancing requirements, but will be …

Msgr. Foynes Celebrates 60 Years of Priestly Ministry

Congratulations to all of our priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year! Rev. Msgr. James Aiden Foynes is one of the 21 who will be recognized at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. The Chrism Mass is not open to the public due to social distancing requirements, but will …

Nine Priests Celebrate 50 Years of Priestly Ministry

Congratulations to all of our priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year! These nine priests are amongst the 21 who will be recognized at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. The Chrism Mass is not open to the public due to social distancing requirements, but will be available to …

Six Priests Celebrate 40 Years of Priestly Ministry

Congratulations to all of our priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year! These six priests are amongst the 21 who will be recognized at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. The Chrism Mass is not open to the public due to social distancing requirements, but will be available to …

Four Priests Celebrate 25 Years of Ministry

Congratulations to all of our priests who are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year! These four priests are amongst the 21 who will be recognized at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. The Chrism Mass is not open to the public due to social distancing requirements, but will be available to …

Reverend John F. Grinsell, S.D.B.

The Chancellor’s Office was informed by the Salesian community of the recent death of Reverend John Grinsell, S.D.B., 79, who served as local superior of the Salesians serving at St. Petersburg Catholic High School from 2002 to 2008.  He also served the school as a guidance counselor during his six years in our diocese.  Father …

Announcements ~ March 22, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Get Ready for Holy Week with Bishop Parkes Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for his podcasts, Proclaim, Invite and Encounter and An Invitation to Worship.  In the coming days, Bishop Parkes reflects on the start of Holy Week with beauty of the Chrism Mass, the significance of servant leadership at the Last Supper, and …

Mrs. Antonietta Lamp

The Chancellor’s Office was informed that Mrs. Antonietta (Annette) Lamp, 100, mother of Reverend Edward Lamp, a retired priest of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, passed away early Tuesday, March 9, 2021, while under Hospice care in Father Lamp’s home in Tampa. Funeral services were celebrated on Saturday, March 13th at St. Mark the Evangelist …

Mrs. Ines M. Furtado

The Chancellor’s Office was informed of the passing of Mrs. Ines Mateus Furtado, 91, mother of Reverend Jose Furtado, Chaplain at St. Anthony’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, on Monday, March 1, 2021, while under Hospice care in Humboldt County, California. A private funeral service was held on Friday, March 5, 2021, in California. Her complete obituary …

Announcements ~ March 15, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for the Chrism Mass Livestream or Radio Broadcast on March 30th at 11:30 a.m.| During the Chrism Mass, Bishop Parkes will consecrate the Sacred Chrism Oil that will be used during thousands of Baptisms and Confirmations throughout the coming year in local parishes. The bishop will also bless the …

Clergy Change ~ March 8, 2021

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy change, effective March 10, 2021: APPOINTMENT Upon presentation by the Very Reverend Valerian Charles Fernandes, S.A.C., Provincial Superior, Society of the Catholic Apostolate, Assumption of the B.V.M. Province, Reverend Pedro Camilo Simoes, S.A.C. as Parochial Vicar of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish, Palm …

Rev. Msgr. Anton C. Dechering

The Chancellor’s Office has been informed that Monsignor Anton Clemens Dechering, 82, a retired priest of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, passed away in the Lord on Friday morning, March 5, 2021, while under Hospice care at Bayfront Hospital, St. Petersburg, following a lengthy illness. Anton Clemens Dechering was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on June …

Announcements ~ March 8, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Communications Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for the Chrism Mass Livestream or Radio Broadcast on March 30th at 11:30 a.m.| During the Chrism Mass, Bishop Parkes will consecrate the Sacred Chrism Oil that will be used during thousands of Baptisms and Confirmations throughout the coming year in local parishes. The bishop will …

Mrs. Cecilia Shija Mganga

We were saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. Cecilia Shija Mganga, 77, mother of Reverend Claudius Mpuya Mganga, Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Inverness.  Father Claudius received word of his mother’s death in her native Tanzania, shortly after midnight today, February 23, 2021.  While Mrs. Mganga was in relatively …

Announcements ~ March 1, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Communications Listen to Bishop Gregory Parkes via Podcast On Proclaim, Invite and Encounter, Bishop Parkes speaks about God’s grace and mercy, stewardship, forgiveness and more. Click here to listen. Catholic Campus Ministry ~ USF Catholic Bulls New Talk Show Episode On a new episode of Catholic Bulls Late Night, a spin …

Announcements ~ February 22, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Altar Server Appreciation Mass The Youth Altar Server Appreciation Mass will be on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue N., St. Petersburg. While we realize many parishes have not been using altar servers on a regular basis since last year, we …

Announcements ~ February 16, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES What Is “Relational Bullying”? Relational bullying is unwarranted, persistent, unwelcome behavior in the form of criticism, isolation, or fabricated allegations that can damage relationships. Examples include social exclusion (“You can’t be with us”), spreading rumors (“Did you hear . . . ?”), and withholding friendship (“I won’t be your friend if you . …

Announcements ~ February 8, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES What Is “Relational Bullying”? Relational bullying is unwarranted, persistent, unwelcome behavior in the form of criticism, isolation, or fabricated allegations that can damage relationships. Examples include social exclusion (“You can’t be with us”), spreading rumors (“Did you hear . . . ?”), and withholding friendship (“I won’t be your friend if you . …

Reverend Edward “Crispin” Keating, O.F.M.

We were saddened to learn that Reverend Edward “Crispin” Keating, O.F.M., 93, a retired priest of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, Ireland Province, passed away in the Lord on Monday afternoon, February 1, 2021, while under Hospice care, following a lengthy battle with throat cancer. Father Keating was born on June 2, 1927 to …

Announcements ~ February 1, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Communications New Podcast/Radio Series: Proclaim, Invite and Encounter Bishop Gregory Parkes is offering a new series on Spirit FM 90.5 and on your favorite podcast app that provides inspiration and insights for living our Catholic faith.  Proclaim, Invite and Encounter is a daily reflection and commentary on Courageously Living the Gospel …

Announcements ~ January 25, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Zoom Chat with SeminariansMen, ages 15-35 are invited to attend our next discernment opportunity, Zoom Chat with Seminarians, on Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7 pm.  Fr. Chuck will be the host and each month includes vocation stories from different seminarians. Please see the flyer at this link: for more information and …

Deacon Gerald McGory (updated)

The Diaconate Office sadly informs the passing of Deacon Gerald McGory, 89, retired, from Transfiguration Parish, St. Petersburg.  Most recently, he attended the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg.  He passed away in the Lord on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Funeral Services on Monday, January 25th at the Cathedral of St. Jude the …

Brother Frank Martin Chapper, M. Afr.

We sadly inform the passing of Brother Frank Martin Chapper, 91, on January 7, 2021 at Northside Hospital, as a result of COVID-19. Brother Chapper was born on April 28, 1929 in Detroit, Michigan. He graduated from Catholic Central High School in Detroit and earned a degree in civil engineering at the University of Michigan. …

Announcements ~ January 19, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Communications Beware of Scams The Office of Communications of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, is helping our community to avoid becoming a victim of a scam. Your best response is to be aware and to be vigilant. Do not reply to an unfamiliar text message, email or social media message until …

Sr. Mary Patricia Plumb, SNJM

Word reached the Diocese that Sr. Mary Patricia Plumb, SNJM, 83, passed away on Friday, January 8, 2021 at Concordia Healthcare Center, Tampa, of complications from COVID 19. A native of Florida, Sister Mary Patricia entered the SNJM community after graduating from the Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa, in 1955. Her roles in education …

Announcements ~ January 11, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES Join Bishop Gregory Parkes and the Pro-Life Generation via Livestream to Pray for Life on January 22nd Bishop Gregory Parkes will celebrate the first-ever Diocesan Mass for Life with youth from around the Diocese of St. Petersburg on Friday, January 22 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. …

Announcements ~ January 4, 2021

DIOCESAN OFFICES A View to the Top In this end of the year program, Bishop Parkes shares the positives of what was generally a challenging year and makes some predictions for 2021.  Follow the following link to listen to the podcast: Office of Communications New Video: Year in Review The Diocese of Petersburg invites …

Rev. Dr. Frederick Brown

The Chancellor’s Office has been informed of the death of Rev. Dr. Frederick Brown, father of Reverend Stephan T. Brown, S.V.D., Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, St. Petersburg. Dr. Brown passed away on Sunday, January 3, 2021, while at home in St. Petersburg, under Hospice care, following a steady decline in health in recent months.Dr. …

Luis Alfonso Riveros

Sadly, the Chancellor’s Office learned that Mr. Luis Alfonso Riveros, 62, youngest brother of Reverend Belisario Riveros, Parochial Vicar of Nativity Parish, Brandon, passed away on Christmas morning, Friday, December 25, 2020, in Bogotá, Colombia, following a lengthy battle with Leukemia.  Mr. Riveros is survived by his wife, Flor Riveros and three children: Alfonso, Carolina …

Announcements ~ December 14, 2020

DIOCESAN OFFICES Office of Communications Bishop Parkes Christmas Message Bishop’s 2020 Christmas Message is available for publication in your bulletins. We have the following versions: English PDF: and PNG: Spanish PDF:  and PNG: If you need another format, contact Teresa Peterson, Christmas With Bishop Gregory Parkes Those who are unable …

Clergy Changes ~ December 7, 2020

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy changes, effective January 1, 2021: APPOINTMENTS Reverend Theobald Weria, A.L.C.P., from Parochial Administrator of St. Peter Claver Parish, Tampa to Parochial Vicar of St. Cecelia Parish, Clearwater. Deacon James (“Ben”) Hooks, to Coordinator of Pastoral Care pro tempore, St. Peter Claver Parish, Tampa. …

Announcements ~December 7, 2020

DIOCESAN OFFICES A View from the Top On the December 2, 2020 edition of A View from the Top, Bishop Parkes shares why the faithful should go to Reconciliation this Advent, the roles of Cardinals in the Church, reports of aborted children used in COVID research, and why did God allow COVID.  Please follow this …

Announcements ~ November 30, 2020

DIOCESAN OFFICES Communications from Bishop Gregory ParkesIn this video – Parkes shares his 2020 Advent message and offers tips to make Advent special and meaningful. In this podcast – Parkes discusses Thanksgiving, Advent, the recently released McCarrick and Florida State Attorney Reports and the virtual meeting of the U.S. Bishops. Marriage and Family …

Clergy Changes ~ November 30, 2020

Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy changes, effective January 1, 2021: APPOINTMENTS Reverend Bradley Reed, from Parochial Vicar of St. Cecelia Parish, Clearwater to Parochial Vicar of Nativity Parish, Brandon. Reverend Dayan Machado, from Pastor of St. Rita Parish, Dade City to the Pastoral Center, St. Petersburg, with residence …

Announcements ~ November 23, 2020

DIOCESAN OFFICES Communications from Bishop Gregory ParkesIn this video – Parkes shares his 2020 Thanksgiving message and expresses his gratitude for your prayers and support.In this video – Parkes shares his 2020 Advent message and offers tips to make Advent special and meaningful. In this podcast – Parkes discusses Thanksgiving, Advent, the …

Reverend Terence K. Fleming

We were saddened to learn that Reverend Terence Kaner (“Terry”) Fleming, 79, a retired priest of the Diocese of Rochester and long-time resident in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, passed away unexpectedly at his home in Oldsmar on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. Father Fleming was born on August 10, 1941, in Rochester, New York to …

Announcements ~ November 9, 2020

DIOCESAN OFFICES A View from the Top In this edition of A View from the Top, Bishop Parkes discusses praying for victories, superstitions and faith, election takeaways, the beatification of Father Michael McGivney, COVID-19 and holidays and a salute to veterans.  To listen to the podcast, follow this link: Our Diocesan Commitment to Safe Environments …