Announcements ~ September 7, 2021

Did You Know? Know Your Kids’ School
Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility for protecting their children from all potential harm. When choosing a nursery, daycare center, or school, parents should inspect the building and grounds to make sure there are no areas where children play or work that are “off limits” to parents. Such facilities should have a policy that welcomes parents to visit the center or school without prior appointment.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Source: Philip J. Lazarus, “Characteristics of Safe and Responsive Schools,” VIRTUS, January 14, 2002.
13th Annual White Mass
All physicians and other health care providers are invited to the chapel at Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, to join Bishop Gregory Parkes to celebrate the 13th Annual White Mass on Saturday, September 25th, 2021, at 4PM. Informal gathering afterwards outside in the church courtyard from 5-6 PM with light refreshments.
Event is hosted by the Tampa Bay Guild of St. Philomena of the Catholic Medical Association with guild president Dr. Rob Hamill.
For more information contact:
Bulletin Editors: Graphic at this link. Is a New Source for Local News and Much More
Bishop Gregory Parkes has launched, a news website to help Catholics know, live and share the faith. You’ll find articles that inform and, hopefully, inspire. Plus, each article can be shared via social media with one click. will provide timely and relevant articles for staying up to date with Catholic life. We will also share stories about people who are Courageously Living the Gospel. To help promote this among your community, we have created a Promotional Tool Kit found at this link:
New Series Helps Families Disconnect from Digital and Reconnect with Each Other
The Diocese of St. Petersburg Office of Communications has launched a new blog and radio series that helps families to become vibrant and healthy by breaking free of technology’s constant pull and digital distraction. The series is called Making Space for Grace and it’s hosted by Teresa Peterson, Executive Director of Communications for the Diocese of St. Petersburg. The series offer lessons and reflections for navigating our media environment so that it doesn’t harm our faith and family life. The goal is to develop healthy and holy habits so we can focus more on real-life interactions that foster personal, relational and spiritual growth. To learn more, visit
Bulletin Editors: Graphics at this link:
Diocesan Hispanic Mass
Bishop Gregory Parkes invites you to the annual Diocesan Hispanic Mass in honor of Our Lady of the Presentation of Quinche, patroness of Ecuador. The Mass will take place on Saturday, October 9, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue N., St. Petersburg. Prior to the Mass, we will gather to pray the Rosary at 10:30 a.m.
11 X 17 Poster: PDF Español | PDF English | PNG Español | PNG English
Graficas para las redes sociales: Facebook | Tweeter | Instagram
Social Media Graphics: Facebook | Tweeter | Instagram
From the Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy Ministry
Crisis in Afghanistan
The unfolding crisis in Afghanistan is heartbreaking to watch, but it may be especially difficult for military men and women. Learn more about mental health resources available for veterans and U.S. service members at this link:
CRS Rice Bowl Mini-Grants
Each Lent, parishes, schools participate in Rice Bowl, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) educational program of prayer, fasting, and giving. 75% of the collection is sent to CRS headquarters to fund projects that prevent hunger and poverty around the world. The 25% retained by our Diocese is made available for small grants of up to $1,000.00. Diocesan entities may apply for assistance in funding innovative hunger and poverty alleviation efforts, justice education or start-up for CRS projects. Learn more at
St. Michael’s Parish Mission with Father James Sichko
Join us on Sunday, September 19, 2021 and Monday, September 20th at 6:00PM at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, 8014 State Road 52, Hudson, for “60 minutes for Jesus” with Father Sichko. In 2016, Pope Francis commissioned Father Sichko as one of his Papal Missionaries of Mercy of which there are only 1000 in the world, 100 in the United States. For more information on Fr. Sichko, please visit
Sal de la Tierra y Luz del Mundo
¡Vengan a revitalizarse en el fuego del Espíritu Santo! 18 de septiembre, 2021, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. en Our Lady of Divine Providence House of Prayer® (711 S. Bayview Avenue, Clearwater). Jesús nos invita a recibir más de su Espíritu, más de su poder y sus dones para que podamos ser la sal de la tierra y la luz del mundo en estos momentos cuando el mundo tanto necesita su amor y su sanación.
Por favor, regístrense a: Para más información, correo electrónico: o al telefono (727) 797-7412.
Embracing Spiritual Motherhood A Call to Catholic Women
Join us October 2, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm at Our Lady of Divine Providence House of Prayer® (711 S. Bayview Avenue, Clearwater) for a presentation by Judy Klein, Ph.D. and Carol Marquardt, M.A. with testimonies and prayer ministry from other spiritual mothers. Registration is required because seating is limited. To register online:
For more information, email or call (727) 797-7412.
The Cornerstone Catholic Scripture Study
You are invited to join The Cornerstone Catholic Scripture Study to study the Book of Genesis; Creation and Covenants. This is a Catholic Scripture study open to men and women and meets in person or on Zoom on Wednesday mornings beginning September 15th from 9:30 AM until 11:30 AM at the DuBois Center at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 750 San Salvador Dr, Dunedin, FL 34698. For more information visit our website at or call Mary at 727-791-3240.
Events at the Franciscan Center
3010 N. Perry Avenue, Tampa ** Ph. (813) 229-2695
Give yourself or someone you love the blessing of slowing down and being nourished by one of our programs.
All information and registration can be found at:
Bulletin editors: Please follow this link to flyer with information about our upcoming programs for September. We hope you may be able to include this in your bulletins.