Announcements ~ October 7, 2024

Posted inParish Bulletin AnnouncementsPastoral Bulletin


FCCB General Election Resources
A series of helpful election materials and guidelines from the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) may be found at this link.:  Voter Guides in English and Spanish are included on the link.

To view a voter guidance video from Bishop Parkes, please click here: A Gulf Coast Catholic article with similar information may be found at this link:


Annual White Mass
The Tampa Bay Guild of St. Philomena is hosting its annual White Mass for healthcare professionals and medical students on October 12, 2024 at 4:00 PM, Vigil Mass, with Reverend Paul Pecchie, CMA Guild Chaplain, celebrating at Our Lady Queen of the Angels Chapel in Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Tampa.

Dr. Julio Gonzalez, MD, JD, former Florida State Representative, will be our speaker at the dinner after Mass.  He will be speaking on Amendment 4 & Chemical Abortion issues.

Register here:
If questions, please email:

Hope you can join us ! John R. Hamill, Jr, MD – CMA Guild President

Flyer at this link:

Misa y Procesión en Honor al Señor de los Milagros
La Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros de Tampa con gran fe, devoción y alegría, les invita a nuestra comunidad en general a la sagrada misa y procesión en honor al Señor De Los Milagros.

Día: Octubre 27, 2024
Hora: 12:30 p.m.
Lugar: St. Mark The Evangelist Church, 9724 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa

¡Prepárate para el maravilloso encuentro con nuestro amadísimo Señor de los Milagros en su sagrada misa y procesión! ¡Te esperamos con un corazón Nazareno y con los brazos abiertos!

Para obtener más información, visita la pagina digital de la Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros de Tampa: o por correo electrónico: o al teléfono: (813) 770-7473.

Material para promocionar:

  • Misa y procesión en St. Mark the Evangelist – FLYER
  • Misa y procesiones en otras parroquias – FLYER
  • Video

Mass and Procession in Honor of the Lord of Miracles
The Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles of Tampa with great faith, devotion and joy invites our community in general to the holy Mass and procession in honor of the Lord of Miracles.

Day:  October 27, 2024
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Location: St. Mark The Evangelist Church, 9724 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa

With Nazarene heart and open arms!

For more information visit our webpage, Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles of Tampa, at: or by Email:, or telephone: (813) 770-7473

Promotional material at:

  • Mass and procession at St. Mark the Evangelist – FLYER
  • Mass and processions at other parishes – FLYER
  • Video

A Virtual Retreat
Attend a Carmelite Virtual Retreat in the comfort of your own home on October 25-27, 2024.  Brother John-Mary Winter, OCD will provide 5 talks on The Healing Power of Contemplative Prayer and will explore the ways our souls are wounded and how Jesus offers us true healing through the power of contemplative prayer.  Br. John-Mary will also offer an optional ZOOM meeting on October 27th at 7:00 PM.  Retreat/ZOOM links and a digital retreat booklet will be provided for registered retreatants.   Cost is $35.

Contact (727) 259-3188 or for more information and/or to register.


If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin:  This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage.  The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link.