Announcements ~ October 11, 2021

Mass of the Angels
The annual Mass of the Angels for children (born or unborn) who have gone to be with the Lord, will be held on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 11:00 AM in the St. James Chapel at Bethany Center (18150 Bethany Center Drive Lutz).
Families are invited to bring a picture of their lost child/ren to be displayed at the reception following Mass. For RSVP’s, information, or to have a child’s name added to the program, please contact Leona at 727-344-1611; or by email:
Hillsborough County – New Prison Ministers Needed
“For I was in prison and you visited me.” (Mt. 25:36)
Our jails are the warehouses of the poor and as we ease out of a long hiatus due to COVID-19, we are in great need of new volunteer ministers to our incarcerated brothers and sisters in the Hillsborough County jails. These men and women have been without Catholic services (Mass, communion liturgies, prayer & Scripture services, reconciliation) for a long time. What is required to be a minister to the incarcerated is a loving heart and the desire to serve the least among us as Jesus asks.
For information on dates and requirements, please visit the Prison Ministry page at this link:
Any returning ministers need not attend the new volunteer classes and will be accepted directly for ministry scheduling after re-certification.
Anyone interested in volunteering either as a new or returning minister should contact Deacon Dave Lesieur at: or (813) 255-7417.
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Magnificat of St. Petersburg is once more excited to welcome all women back to our PRAYER BREAKFAST from 9:00 AM—12:00 Noon, on Saturday, November 13, 2021, at the Parish Center of the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5801 Fifth Avenue North, St. Petersburg. Optional parish Mass will be held at 8:15 AM.
After much prayer, this year we are focusing on one of Magnificat’s many themes, Praying for Priests. Our speaker, Kathy Brasseur, is the mother of Zachary Brasseur, seminarian for the Diocese of St. Petersburg who will be ordained to the priesthood in 2022.
Reservations are $16.00; tickets are available until November 6, 2021. No tickets are sold at the door, and seating is limited due to social distancing.
Please make your check payable to “Magnificat” and mail to: Linda Barron, Treasurer, 6069 Second Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710
For your protection, we will observe social distancing, with no more than 6 per table. Masks are strongly encouraged.
For questions or more information please email: or text to Linda at (727) 415-2693, or Jane (727) 452-7404.
Social media graphic at this link.
The following event is taking place at Our Lady of Divine Providence House of Prayer® located at 711 S. Bayview Avenue; Clearwater.
Inviting the Power of the Love of Mary and Joseph into Your Family
Saturday, October 30th, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with Vigil Mass.
Come and hear Dr. Margarett Schlientz reveal how you can invite the power of the love of Mary and Joseph into your family. No cost for in person attendance. A love offering will be taken and light lunch provided. Attendance by Zoom is $25.00. Seating is limited, please register early. Click on the following link to register online: Flyer available at this link.
For more information please call (727) 797-7412 or email: