Announcements ~ November 30, 2020

Communications from Bishop Gregory Parkes
In this video –
Bishop Parkes shares his 2020 Advent message and offers tips to make Advent special and meaningful.
In this podcast –
Bishop Parkes discusses Thanksgiving, Advent, the recently released McCarrick and Florida State Attorney Reports and the virtual meeting of the U.S. Bishops.
Marriage and Family Life Office
Ministry with Families 101 – Spanish
This leadership formation for all whose ministry efforts impact families will be offered in Spanish on Tuesdays, January 12, 19, 26, and February 2, 9, 16, 2021, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., for $40.00 per individual/couple via Zoom. Space is limited! Register at, or, before January 6, 2021! For more information, contact Diane Kledzik,, 727-341-6839 (English) or Carlos Flores,, 727-344-1611 ext. 5472 (Spanish).
Oficina del Matrimonio y Vida Familiar
Ministerios con Familias 101 (español):
Este curso de formación de liderazgo para todo agente pastoral cuya labor impacta a las familias será ofrecido en español los martes en enero 12, 19, 26 y en febrero 2, 9, 16 de 2021, de 6:30-8:30 p.m. a un costo de $40.00 por persona o pareja a través de Zoom. ¡El espacio es limitado! ¡Inscríbete en, o en, antes del 6 de enero, 2021! Para obtener más información, contacta a Diane Kledzik,, 727-341-6839 (inglés) o Carlos Flores,, 727-344-1611 ext. 5472 (español).
Office of Vocations
Advent Men’s Retreat
Fr. Chuck Dornquast, Director of Vocations, is offering an Advent Men’s Retreat on Saturday, December 19, 2020 from 10:00 am – 7:30 pm at the Bethany Center, 18150 Bethany Center Dr. in Lutz. Men, ages 15 to 35 are invited to attend. There is no cost to you, however, please be sure to RSVP to If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Vocations at (727) 345-3452.
The retreat will be lead by Fr. Rob Cadrecha and the Seminarians from the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
Office of Communications
Send in Your Advent Photos
We invite you to share photos of how you and/or your parish prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. Photos will be shared in a special online photo album posted on the diocesan website and Facebook page. Please email your photos to or publicly post them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #DOSPAdvent. Photos will be added to the album as they are received throughout Advent.
Advent Prayer Project: Receive Encouragement and Hope
Prepare for the birth of Jesus by reflecting on your faith journey with short inspirational messages sent to your email each day! You are invited to sign up to receive a daily “Be Courageous” reflection on Courageously Living the Gospel presented by writers from around the Diocese of St. Petersburg, including Bishop Gregory Parkes. Sign up to be courageous, visit
Edit: We have two promotional graphics available for your use (full page and half page).
Podcasting Priests
In addition to preaching the Good News in our parishes, schools and communities, some of our diocesan priests have taken to podcasting and YouTubing to evangelize. Through the gift of technology, they are able to record, edit and present their message to people of all ages who listen via apps, websites and streaming services. Check out their offerings at:
Editors: Download a promotional graphic for your use here.
Leading the Way on Hunger
The COVID-19 pandemic is increasing food insecurity in our communities and escalating the risk of a severe crisis in areas around the world where many already do not have enough nutritious food. As we approach this season of thanks, take some time to view a recent webinar highlighting some of the great international work of Catholic Relief Services as well as some inspiring efforts within our Diocese to feed the hungry and provide hope.
Office of the Vicar for Religious
December 5-6, Week before the collection
Help our elderly. In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have dedicated themselves to service and acts of mercy. Today, they pray for an aching world. Yet years of serving for little or no pay have left their religious communities without enough retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please be generous.
December 12-13, Week of the collection
Make a difference. “Every dollar makes a difference in covering our expenses,” says a Trappist abbot. Hundreds of US religious communities struggle to provide for aging members because most senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests served for little pay. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps these communities bridge the gap, offering support for medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please be generous.
December 19-20, Week after the collection
Thanks for giving! “We are conscious of the great generosity of the many benefactors who support the Retirement Fund for Religious each year,” says a Catholic sister. “Support from the fund has been a tremendous blessing to our retired sisters.” Thank you for donating to last week’s second collection.
Editors: Please find a social media toolkit here and additional promotional materials here.
En Español
Anuncios para el boletín
December 5-6, Semana antes de la colecta
Ayuden a nuestros mayores. En los buenos y en los malos tiempos, hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes católicos mayores de órdenes religiosas se han dedicado a servir y hacer obras de misericordia. Hoy ellos rezan por un mundo que sufre. Sin embargo, años sirviendo por poca o ninguna paga han dejado a sus comunidades religiosas con gran escasez en los fondos de jubilación. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas médicas, cuidados de enfermería y otras necesidades. Sean generosos.
December 12-13, Semana de la colecta
Mejoren la situación. “Cada dólar ayuda a cubrir nuestros gastos”, dice un abad trapense. Cientos de comunidades religiosas en EE. UU. luchan para cuidar a sus miembros ancianos porque la mayoría de las hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes católicos mayores de órdenes religiosas sirvieron recibiendo escaso o ningún pago. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda a estas comunidades a cubrir las carencias, ofreciendo ayuda para recetas médicas, cuidados de enfermería y otras necesidades. Sean generosos.
December 19-20, Semana después de la colecta
¡Gracias por su donativo! “Somos conscientes de la gran generosidad de muchos benefactores quienes apoyan el Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos cada año”, dice una hermana católica. “El apoyo del fondo ha sido una bendición enorme para nuestras hermanas jubiladas”. Gracias por contribuir a la segunda colecta de la semana pasada.