Announcements ~ November 18, 2024

Spirit FM 90.5 Thrill of Hope Fundraiser
Spirit FM’s Thrill of Hope fundraising celebration is December 3-6. The holiday season is a great reminder that Jesus came to bring freedom. Families tune into Spirit FM 90.5 to find encouragement and hope, with the right song at just the right time. A reoccurring gift of $30 a month or an additional year end gift will let them hear hope, not only at Christmas, but also throughout the year. Partner today at
Retirement Fund for Religious Collection
December 7-8, 2024
Donations to this collection, will provide for the essential care, medicine, and daily needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who have served for decades—usually for little to no pay. Show your appreciation by supporting those who have given a lifetime. Donate to help the more than 24,000 senior religious who have dedicated their lives to service retire with dignity.
Bulletin Announcements (sample)
Week before the collection
Aging religious need your help. “Your support acknowledges that we continue the mission of Christ even in our retirement,” says Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart Sister Celeste Burgos, 80. Donations provide for the care, medicine, and daily needs of over 24,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who have dedicated their lives to service. Please give to the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Week of the collection
Support those who have given a lifetime. Women and men religious have dedicated their lives to service—praying, teaching, and caring for those in need—usually for little to no pay. Today, their religious communities do not have enough retirement savings. Your donation provides for the essential care, medicine, and daily needs of thousands of senior women and men religious. Please give generously.
Week after the collection
Women and men religious offer gratitude. “Sincere thanks to the donors of the Retirement Fund for Religious. I hope we meet, if not in this world, then in the next,” says Sister Teresa Korycka, 81, of the Sisters, Servants of Mary Immaculate. Your gift impacts over 24,000 senior women and men religious, providing them a dignified retirement. To learn how your donation helps, visit
Semana antes de la colecta
Religiosas y religiosos ancianos necesitan de ustedes. “Su apoyo reconoce que hacemos la mission de Cristo durante nuestra jubilación”, dice sor Celeste Burgos, 80, de las Misioneras Auxiliares del Sagrado Corazón. Los donativos cubren el cuidado, las medicinas y necesidades diarias de más de 24,000 hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas que han dedicado su vida a servirnos. Les rogamos que donen al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos.
Semana de la colecta
Apoye a los que dieron toda una vida. Religiosas y religiosos han dedicado su vida a servirnos, orando, enseñando y cuidando a los necesitados, por poco o ningún pago. Hoy, sus comunidades carecen de ahorros suficientes para la jubilación. Los donativos cubren cuidados esenciales, medicinas y necesidades diarias de miles de religiosas y religiosos mayores. Les rogamos que sean generosos.
Semana después de la colecta
Religiosas y religiosos son agradecidos. “Nuestras más sinceras gracias a los donantes del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos. Espero encontrarlos, si no en esta vida, en la otra”, dice sor Teresa Korycka, 81, de las Siervas de María Inmaculada. Los donativos afectan a más de 24,000 religiosas y religiosos ancianos, brindándoles una jubilación digna. Para saber cómo su donativo los ayuda, visite
If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage. The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link.