Announcements ~ May 23, 2022

Memorial Day Mass
Join us on May 30, 2022 at 10:00 a.m., for the Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 11801 US Highway 19 North, Clearwater.
Reverend Hugh Chikawe, Chaplain for Catholic Cemeteries, will be the main celebrant. Please join us for this special Mass, as we remember those who gave their lives in service to our country and all the souls of the faithful departed. All are welcome!
From the Communications Office
Let Us Adore Jesus
You are invited to join Catholics from across the Diocese of St. Petersburg for a Holy Hour to observe the launch of the National Eucharistic Revival on Sunday, June 17, 2022, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg. The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. During the Holy Hour, we will encounter Jesus, who seeks to heal, convert, form, and unify us, and send us forth to Courageously Live the Gospel. Let us adore Jesus who remains with us always and lead others to share in our joy. To learn more visit:
Adoremos a Jesús
Te invitamos a unirte a los católicos de toda la Diócesis de St. Petersburg en una Hora Santa para observar el lanzamiento del Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional el domingo, 17 de junio de 2022, Solemnidad del Corpus Christi, a las 3:00 p.m. en la Catedral de St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg. El Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional es una iniciativa de tres años de los obispos de los Estados Unidos para renovar nuestra devoción y creencia en la Presencia Real de Jesús en la Eucaristía. Durante la Hora Santa, nos encontraremos con Jesús, quien busca sanarnos, convertirnos, formarnos, unificarnos y enviarnos a Vivir Valientemente el Evangelio. Adoremos a Jesús que permanece con nosotros siempre y llevemos a los demás a vivir nuestra alegría. Para obtener más información, visita:
Promotional Graphics:
- Flyer – English | Spanish
- Rectangle Ad – English | Spanish
- Square Ad – English | Spanish
- Horizontal Ad – English | Spanish
United for Life
A new webpage has been created to help Catholics in the Diocese of St. Petersburg continue to pray and advocate for the legal protection of unborn children, support women who are in a crisis pregnancy and support those who have been impacted by abortion to find healing in Christ.
To learn more, visit
Did You Know? Summertime, Safe Time
All teachers, staff, and volunteers in the Diocese of St. Petersburg who work with children must undergo fingerprinting and criminal background checks. (Arch)diocesan guidelines and abuse prevention training programs currently in use emphasize the importance of parents’ knowing who has access to their children at school and other Church-sponsored activities.
Summertime is here, and parents should remain vigilant regarding who is granted access to their children. Make sure camp counselors have undergone criminal background checks. And make sure you know the camp’s daily routine. In particular, make sure that no camp activity results in a child being left alone with one adult.
All activities should be supervised by more than one adult, and the camp should be open to unannounced drop-in visits from parents.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Source: Sharon Womack Doty, “Summer Safety—Monitor All Programs!”, VIRTUS, July 17, 2006.
Vocations Office
Bishop’s BBQ
Men in high school and up are invited for a casual discernment event hosted by the Office of Vocations. The Bishop’s BBQ is a great opportunity to get to know Bishop Parkes, Father Chuck, and the seminarians. There will be games, food, and discussion. Any men interested in attending may register on the Vocations website:
St. Stephen Gatherings
The Office of the Diaconate will be hosting St. Stephen Gatherings for those interested in learning more about the Permanent Diaconate with plans to begin a new inquiry group in October of 2022. With Deacons and wives in attendance, this will be an evening of information, conversation, and refreshments. If you have someone in your community who may have expressed an interest in the Diaconate, please feel free to invite them (both husband and wife) or, better yet, join them for one of these evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, Cathedral of St. Jude Parish Center, St. Petersburg
Thursday, June 23, 2022, St. Joan of Arc Parish Center, Spring Hill
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, St. Timothy Parish Center, Lutz
Please contact the Diaconate Office via phone (727) 341-6826 or to reserve a spot now.
Immersion in Spanish Language and Culture
June 12-30, 2022 in Miami, Florida
This three-week course has been designed by SEPI (Southeast Pastoral Institute) especially for bishops, priests, religious and laity who have an interest in serving Latinos and Hispanic ministry. It provides the student with the necessary skills to communicate in Spanish, knowledge of the Hispanic environment in daily life situations, and a pastoral dimension geared toward Hispanic ministry. Integral aspects of the course include basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversation, cultural experiences, daily prayer, the Eucharist, and a study of how Hispanic/Latino presence and ministry has developed over the years.
Information Graphic
Registration Link
You Lead – Young Latino Summer Leadership Institute by SEPI
June 16-24, 2022 in Louisville, Kentucky
You Lead is a program of integral formation designed by SEPI (Southeast Pastoral Institute) that seeks to prepare first-, second-, and third-generation young Latinos in the Southeast to be faithful missionary disciples and effective leaders, in order to serve the Church and society, living out their vocations to the fullest. The bilingual, two-level program, held in consecutive Summer one-week sessions, will prepare promising young Hispanic leaders, with the potential to impact their communities and local churches.
English Brochure / English Flyer
Spanish Brochure / Spanish Flyer
Registration Link
Saint Raphael Catholic Church Divorced and Blended Family Ministry
UPCOMING EVENT available in person or via Zoom.
To RSVP for the session and/or access the Zoom link, please visit our ministry website
Becoming a Smart Stepfamily
Let’s talk about common stepfamily challenges. On Wednesday, June 22nd, we’ll start tackling stepfamily issues from a Biblical lens through the Smart Stepfamily video series by Ron Deal. We will enjoy great conversation and fellowship.
Saint Leo Men’s Basketball Day Camp
Calling all campers entering Second Grade to Seniors in High School to join us for Saint Leo Men’s Basketball 2022 Summer Day Camp! The goal of the camp is to not only teach the game of basketball through fundamental skill work and competition to each camper but also work on each camper’s leadership and teamwork skills.
Saint Leo Men’s Basketball Day camp will run from Monday, June 6th to Thursday, June 9th 2022. For more information see the flyer for the event at this link: or contact Coach Spencer Henke at 352-588-7311 or email:
Saint Leo University Nike Boys Basketball Camp
Calling all boys from age 10-17 for the 2022 Saint Leo University Nike Boys Basketball Camp. It will run from July 31st through August 3, 2022. For more information and to register please follow this link for the Camp flyer: or contact Coach Spencer Henke at 352-588-7311 or email:
Parish Pilgrimages
If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage. The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link: