Announcements ~ May 10, 2021

Did You Know?
How Old Does a Child Need to Be in Order to Stay Alone?
Don’t assume that when your child understands what you’re saying, he’s ready to walk out the door by himself. Besides the fact that many states have laws against leaving children of certain ages alone (for example, younger than 12), experts say children shouldn’t be left by themselves until they’re capable of fighting off an abductor or handling a crisis situation. Experts also say children do not have the mental maturity to cross busy streets by themselves until they’re about 10 or 12 years old. (Did you know that pedestrian injuries rank third in child fatalities, behind traffic accidents and drowning?) Finally, parents who are certain their young children would never walk away with a stranger will be shocked to learn that studies show they probably will. Stay alert and vigilant, even if you believe your child is aware of possible dangers from others.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Source: “Know the Rules . . . After-School Safety Tips for Children Who Are Home Alone,”
Diocese of St. Petersburg Annual Courage & Encourage Day of Recollection
Saturday, June 5, 2021
A day of spiritual renewal for Catholic men and women who experience same-sex attraction and desire to live a chaste life. Parents and family members of people who experience same sex attraction are welcome. Enjoy time for reflection in beautiful surroundings. Fr. John Lipscomb and Fr. Alex Padilla will lead this day of prayer and silence under the patronage of St. Joseph. Suggested $30 donation covers meals. For more information contact
National Foster Care Month
This May, during National Foster Care Month, please consider providing a loving home for a child who has been separated from his or her parents. Over 20,000 children in Florida have been removed from their parents or guardians, yet only 5,000 families are certified to meet their needs. If you are interested in learning more about foster parenting, please call 1-83-FOSTERFL or visit
If you are interested in immigrant and refugee foster care, please reach out to Bethany Christian Services, Central Florida at (407) 877-4006 or at this link: The nurturing environment you provide can help vulnerable children heal and thrive.
Pope Francis’ Vision: Brothers and Sisters All
What does Fratelli Tutti, the Encyclical of Pope Francis on fraternity and social friendship, have to say that is relevant for believers today? Join us for a discussion on Pope Francis’ vision for a new and better future. May 10, 17 and 24 at 7:00 P.M.
May 10th Overcoming Indifference, Jill Rauh, USCCB
May 17th A New Vision (The Dream) Deacon Scott Paine
May 24th The Way Forward (Putting the Vision in Action), Stephen Okey, Ph.D., Saint Leo University and Paige Cargioli, M.A.
Register at (Find registration links under Ministry of Mercy Online Retreats or Email
Post Abortion Healing – Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential healing ministry for the many people, both men and women who have been impacted by an abortion decision.
Upcoming healing programs include:
One Day Project Rachel Retreat, Raphael’s Way ($20 reg. fee)
Saturday, June 5, 2021 – Largo, FL
Saturday, June 26, 2021– (Men only) -Tampa, FL
Flyer available at this link:
Weekend Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats ($200 reg. fee)
English: July 9-11, 2021 – Clearwater, FL
Spanish: October 22-24 – Tampa. FL
Flyers at the following links: (Spanish: (English:
For more details and registration: please call/text 813-924-4173 or email
Announcement with picture at this link: