Announcements ~ March 10, 2025

Posted inParish Bulletin AnnouncementsPastoral Bulletin


2025 Eucharistic Encounter: Reserve your seat today!
This Jubilee Year, discover the reason for our hope as 16,000 believers gather for a powerful day of faith, worship, and transformation. The 2025 Eucharistic Encounter is set to ignite hearts on Saturday, September 20th, at Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida with dynamic speakers, Spirit-filled musicians, and the one true God.

Don’t miss this free event open to everyone! Space is limited. Learn more and reserve your seat today at

Promotional graphic at this link:

SEPARA LA FECHA – 7a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres:
“SER CATÓLICO EN UN MUNDO QUEBRANTADO: Conociendo, Defendiendo, Evangelizando”
Esta conferencia es presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries.  El evento será el sábado, 17 de mayo de 2025, de 7:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., en el salón social de Nativity Catholic Church (705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon). Los boletos incluyen el almuerzo.  Boletos individuales: $35. Combo de padre/hijo: $25 cada uno. Para obtener boletos y más información visita:

SAVE THE DATE – 7th Annual Hispanic Men’s Conference:
BEING CATHOLIC IN A BROKEN WORLD: Knowing, Defending, Evangelizing”
Presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Suncoast Catholic Ministries.  The event (in Spanish) will be held on Saturday, May 17, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the Social Hall of Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon).  Cost is $35 per individual ticket, and $25 per ticket for father and son attending together.  To buy tickets and obtain more information, visit:

Promotional graphics:  SlideFlyer: PDF | JPG

Upcoming events ~ Office of Vocations
The Office of Vocations invites young men to events that help them learn more about priesthood and how to discern the Lord’s will for their life.

The first event is the St. Andrew’s Dinner, on March 25th at St. Catherine Catholic Church, 1955 S Belcher Rd, Clearwater.  This dinner is a casual way to hear priests’ vocation stories, meet Bishop Parkes, and ask questions.

The next event is Come and See, from April 10 ~13, 2025 to St. Joseph Seminary College in Louisiana.  There men can experience what seminary is like and meet seminarians from our diocese and surrounding states.  You can register to both by going to

If you have any questions, reach out to the Office of Vocations at

Promotional graphics available at these links:  St. Andrew’s Dinner / Come and See.


Saint Leo University Holding Info Session for Doctor of Theology Program
Saint Leo University will hold a virtual information session for its Doctor of Theology in Applied Theology Program (ThD) on Wednesday, March 26th.  The Zoom session will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will be hosted by Dr. Stephen Okey, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the ThD program.

Saint Leo will waive the $500 seat deposit for students who attend the March 26 info session and enroll by July 1st.  Participants must register at this link:

For more information, email or call (352) 588-8374.


If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin:  This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage.  The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link.