Announcements ~ July 25, 2022

An Invitation from the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute (LPMI) The LPMI program, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church; equips Catholics with knowledge and skills to carry out ministry competently, collaboratively, and professionally. Through an integrated process of education and ongoing faith formation, we provide an opportunity for Catholics across the Diocese to grow spiritually, intellectually, and pastorally. The 2022-2023 “Year of Discernment” classes will begin on September 10th. For more information: visit; email:; or call 727-344-1611.PARISHES AND ORGANIZATIONS
Organ Program at St. Petersburg College, Gibbs campus, in St. Petersburg Organists and all parish musicians, if you are interested in studying organ formally, whether as a beginner or as a “mid-career” tune-up, and earning college credit while you pursue your study, then please consider the organ program at St. Petersburg College, Gibbs campus, in St. Petersburg. Lessons are conducted on the 24 rank, neo-classical Heissler concert organ in the Music Center of SPC. (Note: beginning organ study requires a history of 5-6 years of piano study as a prerequisite.) Please contact Paul Dixon at or via the St. Raphael Church office, 727-821-7989.
Spiritual Exercises for Everyday Living (SEEL) St. Raphael Parish, St, Petersburg, is offering a 5th annual 30-day Ignatian retreat using the Spiritual Exercises but designed for busy people over the course of 32 weeks with ample breaks for holidays. The journey will begin in October and end in May. Perhaps this experience has been a desire of yours in ministry for years and now is your opportunity. An in-person weekly group meeting is available, as well as an online zoom group meeting option. There are several local spiritual directors as well as spiritual directors from around the country who avail themselves for retreatants. Participation does require an interview to gauge spiritual maturity and readiness and perhaps a prerequisite Intro to Prayer offered in September using the Lectio Series.
Inquirers should reach out to Harriet Learson at or
Flyer at this link:
Friends of the Seminary Gala October 21, 2022 Please mark your calendars to participate in our Friends of the Seminary Gala, in person or via our on-line experience! You will find information at and this page will continue to update as we get closer to the event. This event is our largest fundraiser and your support is essential to ensure the continuity of our important mission: Forming priests after the Heart of Christ for the future of the Catholic Church. The virtual portion will be open to all and include live feed of the Mass and an online auction. We pray that with your support and God’s Providence, we will have a successful event! We look forward to a great event! St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary • 10701 South Military Trail • Boynton Beach, FL 33436-4899 • Phone (561) 732-4424, Ext. 162 Promotional graphic at this link.