Announcements ~ July 12, 2021

Safe Environment Program
With summer now in full swing, this announcement is very appropriate with children at home.
Did You Know?
Teach Kids to Protect Themselves at Home
We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: Never answer the door if alone. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. Don’t tell anyone on the phone that your parents are not home. Instead tell them that your parents can’t come to the phone, and take a message. For more tips, please visit
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Source: “Know the Rules . . . After-School Safety Tips for Children Who Are Home Alone,”
Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy
The Equality Act
The Equality Act is well-intentioned but ultimately misguided. Instead of respecting differences in beliefs about marriage and sexuality, the bill would discriminate against people of faith, threaten unborn life, and undermine the common good. Tell your elected officials to oppose it. Follow this link for more information:
Help Is Available for Catholic School Tuition
Have you thought about sending your child to a Catholic school, but didn’t think it was financially possible? You may qualify for a scholarship. In fact, a family of four with an income of nearly $100,000 may qualify for a scholarship. The money can help pay for tuition and fees. The application is free, and it’s first come, first served. Make time to apply today! More students are eligible than ever before, including those with learning disabilities and children of active duty military, regardless of rank or pay. Visit
40 Sessions Announced for Stewardship Conference in September
Interested in gathering, learning and networking with hundreds of Catholics from across the country to explore building active, vibrant parish communities? This year’s 3 day International Catholic Stewardship Conference (ICSC), scheduled for September 12 – 15, 2021 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando Hotel, is packed with resources and tools for those serving in parishes and Catholic schools as we prepare for the Church’s transformational future in the COVID-19 environment. The 40 sessions will feature a variety of topics, such as:
- Offertory Enhancement in the Age of Covid-19: A Panel Discussion
- The Goal of Communication is Communion
- The Spirituality of Stewardship: The Heart of Catholic School Development
- An Introduction to Do-It-Yourself or Peer-To-Peer Fundraising
- And many more!
As those who have attended the ICSC in the past can attest, this conference is a worthwhile investment offering inspiration, formation and implementation tools.
For more conference information or to register, please visit
St. Petersburg’s Diocesan Council of Catholic Women 53rd Annual Convention
Join us from Thursday, August 12 through Sunday, August 15, 2021, at the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore for our annual convention.
Keynote Speaker is Patricia Lorenz who is an internationally known, inspirational, art-of-living writer and speaker, and the author of fourteen books. The SPDCCW acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service.
For more information, please call Coleen Ward, Registration Chairman, at 813-997-1045 or visit us at
2021 Men’s Resurrection Experience
Friday, September 17th to Sunday, September 19th
Resurrection Parish invites you to join them for the 2021 Men’s Resurrection Experience with guest speakers: Gus Lloyd and Jimmy Mitchell.
Location: The Bethany Center, 18150 Bethany Center Dr, Lutz, FL 33558
Experience begins Friday night at 7 pm and concludes with a Mass on Sunday at 2 pm.
The cost is only $195 (Three days – Two nights retreat weekend; includes accommodations and meals). Single rooms available for $370.
Following all CDC/Diocese of St. Petersburg’s Guidelines.
To register, please call Al Larson at 813-230-9152 or by email:
Promotional flyer at this link:
Summer Bible Study
The Catholic Student Center at USF in Tampa is hosting a bible study for all college students in the diocese (not just USF students) every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. through the end of July. Meet in the courtyard of the Catholic Student Center, 13005 N. 50th Street, Tampa 33617.
For more information, please contact us at 813-988-3727 or by email:
Promotional Graphic at this link: