Announcements ~ February 7, 2022

Attention Faith Formation & Parish Leaders: FORMED Webinars Offered!
We are pleased to announce that all parishes in the Diocese of St Petersburg that do not presently have a FORMED subscription may register to participate in a special grant opportunity to reduce the cost of a one-year subscription by as much as much as $400. This grant was donated by an Augustine Institute Benefactor. As an added benefit, any parish that currently has a FORMED subscription is eligible for a 10% discount on their renewal that occurs between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2023. Details of our special arrangement with the Augustine Institute will be announced during two special webinars.
For parishes that do not have FORMED, a webinar to acquaint them with the opportunity and the resources available on FORMED will be offered on February 24, 2022. A separate webinar for currently subscribed FORMED parishes will offer the opportunity to receive guidance in increasing the benefits and fruit from your use of FORMED. Information on registering for the webinars may be found at this link:
USF Listening Sessions for Students, Alumni and Faculty
The Catholic Student Center at USF is inviting you to stop by the Marshall Student Center to share your thoughts on faith. Specifically, they want to know what breaks your heart about the Catholic Church and what brings you hope about the Catholic Church. Stop by and let your voice be heard!
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Marshall Student Center, Hillsborough Room
Friday, February 18, 2022 | 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. | Marshall Student Center, Ballroom
For additional details, contact the Catholic Student Center at (813) 988-3727 or email:
Office of Life Justice & Advocacy
Courage & Encourage Day of Recollection – MARCH 5, 2022
The Courage Apostolate offers support for men and women who experience same sex attraction and desire to live chaste lives following the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Join us for a day of prayer and fellowship in the Orlando area. For more information call 813-570-1163 or write
4a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “El Amor en la Familia como Expresión de Dios”
Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries. El evento será el sábado, 23 de abril, 2022, de 7:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., en el salón social de Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Conferenciantes invitados: el P. Mario Castañeda, el P. Chuck Dornquast y el Sr. Wilson Tamayo. La santa Misa será presidida por el P. Chuck Dornquast. Los boletos incluyen el almuerzo. Boletos individuales: $35. Combo de padre/hijo: $20 cada uno. En la puerta (si quedaran): $40. El cupo es limitado a fin de cumplir con los requisitos establecidos para minimizar el contagio del COVID-19. Para obtener boletos y más información visita:
Editor del buletin: Gráficas para promoción en este enlace:
4th Annual Hispanic Men’s Conference “Love in the Family as an Expression of God”
Presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Suncoast Catholic Ministries. The event will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Social Hall of Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Guest speakers are Fr. Mario Castañeda, Fr. Chuck Dornquast and Mr. Wilson Tamayo. The Holy Mass will be presided by Fr. Chuck Dornquast. Cost is $35 per individual ticket, and $20 per ticket for father and son attending together. Cost at the door (if tickets still available) is $40. Capacity is limited to follow guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19. T o buy tickets and for more information, visit:
Beloved Retreat for engaged and married couples
We know it is hard to get away—between work, the kids, or just life! You are invited to attend the Beloved retreat, a retreat for engaged and married couples on Saturday 19th February from 8 am until 4 pm at Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Church, Tampa. $10 per couple including lunch. Childcare to be offered on the day. Limited spaces available, must email to register your place before 11th Feb. Inspiring talks on the sacramentality of marriage, Catholic parenting 101: how to raise Godly children in today’s culture, and a more practical talk covering responsible parenthood and the ethical regulation of fertility from a medical perspective rooted in the Creighton Model of fertility awareness and NaPro Technology.
Promotional Flyer at this link:
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Carnival
All are invited to attend Blessed Sacrament’s 46th Annual Carnival (11501 66th Ave. N. Seminole 33772) from February 25 through February 27, 2022.
Feb. 25, 3-11pm | Feb. 26, 12-11pm | Feb. 27, 12-7pm
Rides, food, BINGO, games, entertainment, vendors, raffles, and more!
For more information contact the school at (727) 391-4060 or visit
Promotional Flyer at this link: Carnival Flyer (
Tampa Magnificat Retreat
You are cordially invited to the Tampa Magnificat 2022 Spring Retreat: Lessons in Love from St. Therese of Lisieux. Take a day away from the busyness and join Catholic singer/songwriter, Annie Karto at the beautiful Bethany Center for a day of prayer, fellowship and encouragement.
Saturday, March 12, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
$65.00 per person
Bethany Center, 18150 Bethany Center Dr., Lutz
Registration now open at this link:
Registration will close on February 22, 2022. For questions on registration or more information on the retreat please contact Kat Cooper, email:; by phone: 813-538-0981.
Divorced Ministry at St. Raphael Church in St. Petersburg Presents:
Palentine Day – a Light Social Event, February 12, 7:00-9:00PM, 3 Daughters Brewing (222 22nd St. S. ) in St. Petersburg. Food, drinks & board games available. BYOBG (bring your own board game too). We will meet at the picnic tables outside the brewery by 7:00 PM.
Please call or text Liz at 908-892-1190 if you have any questions or for help locating the group on the evening of the event. Looking forward to fun and fellowship!