Announcements ~ February 28, 2022

Follow the Real Bishop Gregory Parkes
Please be sure you are following the official social media accounts for Bishop Gregory Parkes and not an imposter account. We have been informed of fake social media accounts that appear to be Bishop Gregory Parkes, but they are not. The official accounts are listed below. Report all other imposter accounts to the social media platform and to the Diocese of St. Petersburg Office of Communications,
Real Social Media Accounts for Bishop Gregory Parkes
Peace in Troubled Times
There are many people experiencing distress. The pandemic, civil unrest, natural disasters, war and tumult have led to chronic fear, anger and sometimes traumatic stress. How do we find the interior “peace that surpasses all understanding” that Christ has promised? Espiritu Santo Catholic Church, Safety Harbor, on behalf of all parishes of the Central Deanery of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, is offering a workshop, “Peace in Troubled Times” to help us cope with these unprecedented times. The workshop will include prayer, a presentation on managing chronic stress mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. There will be time for discussion and questions. This event is being held on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish, 715 East Orange Street, Tarpon Springs. All are welcome!
Take Action for Afghanistan
Afghanistan is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. This winter, 23 million people face food insecurity and possible famine. As prices skyrocket, families cannot access cash to pay for food, medicine or other basic necessities. The U.S. government must address the economic drivers of this crisis to prevent further suffering and save lives. Urge the current Administration to facilitate banking access for Afghans and find new ways to support the country’s critical services like hospitals, schools and utilities. Take ACTION now:
Pax Christi Retreat
A weekend retreat on Pope Francis’ book, “Let Us Dream” will be held at Chinsegut Hill Retreat Center in Brooksville, Fl, March 18-20, 2022. Dr. Mary Carter Warren will lead sessions and discussions on what a more just and peaceful world would look like and how to find a beloved community to journey with you. Come join us to be inspired, challenged and dream.
For more information and registration on this special retreat that is sponsored by Pax Christi-Florida, please go to:
Saint Raphael Catholic Church Divorced and Blended Family Ministry
(Available in person or via Zoom.)
Financial and Legal Issues
In our mini-series on the practical and spiritual “nuts & bolts” of divorce and blended families, this session offers resources to resolve financial and legal concerns. Join us Monday, March 7th in Room A from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM for fellowship and discussion.
To RSVP for the session and/or access the Zoom link, please visit our ministry website
12th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference
Men of the diocese: Please join us on Saturday, February 26th for the 12th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference featuring Fr. Larry Richards, Dr. Ray Guarendi and a Personal Witness Talk. This year’s conference theme is “Behold, I make all things new,” an appropriate and important scriptural message for our times. In-person and Virtual live stream attendance options are available. For more information and to register, visit
Parish Pilgrimages
After a long absence due to the pandemic, the Pastoral Bulletin is once again including information on parish pilgrimages. If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage. The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link: