Announcements ~ February 20, 2024
Synod Listening Session
Bishop Gregory Parkes cordially invites you to a Synod Listening Session focusing on church structures and our pastoral vision. This event will be at St. Timothy Parish, 17512 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM and it is open to all parish ministry leaders, including directors/coordinators of faith formation, religious education, and RCIA, youth and young adult ministry leaders, pastoral councils, liturgical ministry coordinators, and others.
Please register by March 1, 2024 at this link:
2023/24 Rice Bowl Mini Grant Recipients
The Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy is pleased to announce the following recipients of the 2023/24 Rice Bowl Mini Grants, made possible by 25% of local Rice Bowl contributions retained for local use.
Congratulations to the following parishes and organizations: Nativity Catholic Church – Food Bank; Nativity Catholic Church – Pastoral Care Ministries; Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church – Maternal Food Support Program; Resurrection Catholic Church Food Pantry – Filling the Gap; San Juan Diego Mission; St. Joseph Catholic Church (St. Petersburg) Food Pantry; St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church – Wonder of Eve Program; St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, St. Vincent de Paul Society – Pack a Sack Food 4 Kids; Catholic Charities Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center; Catholic Charities Food Pantry – Pasco County; Catholic Charities – Knights Women’s Center; Catholic Charities Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center – Hernando County; St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church – Society of St. Vincent de Paul Holiday Conference.
From the Office of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship
Roar of the Rosary
The “Roar of the Rosary” is an evening of worship that will take place on Friday, May 10, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., in Morsani Hall at the Straz Center, in Tampa. Speakers will include His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Bishop Gregory Parkes, Mother Adela, and Gus Lloyd. Additional information and registration details for this free event may be found at the following link:
A flyer for your parish media channels is included at this link:
A Three Day Mission: The Story of Faith Featuring actor Frank Runyeon
February 29 – March 2, 2024
Blessed Trinity Parish, 1600 54th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, invites you to the three-day parish Lenten Mission, The Story of Faith. Join us from February 29th through March 2nd at 7:00 pm every night for this special event. This is a free will donation event.
For more information, please contact the parish office at 727-867-3663.
Flyer available at this link:
Catholic Charities’ 2024 Easter Basket of Plenty Drive—February 14th-March 22nd
The children of low-income farmworker families living at Catholic Charities’ San Jose Mission (affordable housing), and others, will receive an Easter basket on Holy Saturday.
Please help by bringing items (pacifiers, coloring books, Skittles, socks etc.) to a drop-off location. For the list of suggested items and drop-off locations visit Alternately, text DONATEFORJOY to 41444 to donate cash.
Track our progress by following Catholic Charities on Instagram and Facebook (@CCharitiesDioStPete) or X (@CCharitiesDOSP). Share our posts and use hashtags: #donateforjoy #easterbasketofplenty.
“Set Apart” retreat for Young Adults
Young adults of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, YOU are invited to “Set Apart”, a retreat for those in their 20s – 30s on April 13, 2024 at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 5225 N Himes Ave, Tampa. The half-day retreat will begin with Mass at 8:30 AM and go on until 2:00 PM. This retreat will be a Saturday of spiritual enrichment and growth alongside other young adults just like you.
To register visit the Thrive webpage at Hope to see you there!
Promotional graphic at this link:
Concierto en la Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament, Tampa
Te invitamos al concierto de GE’LA (Angela Sandoval) el 27 de febrero de 2024 en la Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament, 7001 S 12th Ave, Tampa. Comenzaremos a las 6:30 PM con la Santa Misa seguido por el concierto de 7:30 PM en adelante. Boletos anticipados a $15.00.
Para más información, por favor de comunicarse con Irvin Torres al 813-391-7794 o a la oficina parroquial al 813-626-2984.
Flyer en este enlace:
Concert at Blessed Sacrament Parish, Tampa
We invite you to a Concert by Ge’la (Angela Sandoval) on February 27, 2024 at Blessed Sacrament, 7001 S 12th Ave, Tampa. The event will start with Mass at 6:30 PM followed by the concert starting at 7:30 PM. Tickets $15.00. For more information, please contact Irvin Torres at 813-391-7794 or call the parish office at 813-626-2984.
Flyer here.
13h Annual Ave Maria University Marian Eucharistic Conference, May 10-12, 2024
All are invited to the 13h Annual Ave Maria University Marian Eucharistic Conference, “My Soul Proclaims the Greatness of the Lord”, from May 10-12, 2024. Featured speakers will include Fox News and EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo, Fr. Robert Sirico co-founder of the Acton Institute, “Women of Grace” Founder Johnnette B. Williams, President and Co-Founder of “Foundation of Prayer for Priests” Kathleen Beckman. In addition to these great talks special Spanish sessions will also be offered including talks by Mother Adela Galindo, Founder of Servants of the Pierced Heart of Jesus, Fr. Joseph Mary Rogers SCTJM, Fr. Rafael Capo Director of the US Bishop’s Regional Office in Miami and Rev. David Vidal, Pastor of Ave Maria Catholic Church. Music ministry will be provided by Jon Nevin.
The cost is $190 per person, which includes lodging, meals, and conference fee for the weekend all on the beautiful campus of Ave Maria University. For more information about our speakers or to register for this event visit or call (239) 348-4725, email:
Flyer at this link:
If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage. The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link.